Film, music. I also like the ladies.
My future self, once I've mastered the art of time-travel.
Hendrix, Funkadelic, War, James Brown, Pink Floyd, Miles Davis, The Stones, Old School Hip-Hop, Public Enemy, Wu-Tang, Roots, Common, Pharohe Monch, De La, etc. Local stuff: All Motown (naturally), Obie, Marshall, the REAL Jay Dee (RIP), Proof (RIP), Ill Manored and The whole Subterraneous crew (respect the sub)!
WAY too many to list. Put it like this, if it's good, I'm down!
The Wire, dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why aren't you watching it?!!!!!!!!!!!
Donald Westlake (aka Richard Stark), Elmore Leonard, Walter Moseley, Richard Price, some Stephen King, Chester Hines.
My greatest hero is my mom, Linda Bridges (1953-2005;RIP). None of this would be possible without her. Love you, Mom! Also, George Romero, Sam Raimi, Peter Jackson (the early stuff), Lucas, Spielberg, Stanley Kramer, Kubrick, Orson Welles (Yes!), the Spikes' (Lee & Jonze), De Palma, Scorsese, Dario Argento, Rodriguez (did I spell it right?), QT, Terry Gilliam, Ralph Bakshi and can't forget the Master. You should already know who the Master is. Master P, of course! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!