Golfing, Huntin, fishin, drinkin combined or seperate Im also a big time soccer lova... Big fan of getting drunk and dancin... yeah thats pretty much my life...hmmmm
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A hot surfer chick that likes to drink jack daniels straight from the bottle, smokes marlbro reds, and has a tattoo that says "Chuck norris is a pussy" tattooed on her inner thigh.....
Im a fan of anything with a beat that sounds good, from rap to gospel...
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Movie buff try and stump me!!!!
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Your Seduction Style: Fantasy Lover
You know that ideal love that each of us dreams of from childhood? That's you!
Not because you posess all of the ideal characteristics, but because you are a savvy shape shifter.
You have the uncanny ability to detect someone's particular fantasy... and make it you.
You inspire each person to be an idealist and passionate, and you make each moment memorable
Even a simple coffee date with you can be the most romantic moment of someone's life
By giving your date exactly what he or she desires, you quickly become the ideal lover.
Your abilities to make dreams come true is so strong, that you are often the love of many people's lives.
Your ex's (and even people you have simply met or been friends with) long to be yours.
No doubt you are the one others have dreamed of... your biggest challenge is finding *your* dream lover. What Kind of Seducer Are You?
Your Love Style is Agape
You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.
Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.
You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie.
Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you.
For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love. What's Your Love Style?
You Are an Appletini
Most of the time, you're a typical party girl / guy.
But when you get super sauced, you really up your sex appeal. What Mixed Drink Are You?
A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Andrew Jackson Downey IV
Birthday:: 11/17/82
Birthplace:: Lapeer Michigan
Eye Color:: Hazel
Hair Color:: Dark Brown
Height:: 6'4
Weight:: 230 pounds
Right handed or Left handed?: Righty
Your Heritage:: Irish
My Worst Habit:: I have a bit too much fun and it gets me in trouble sometimes..
Zodiac Sign:: scorpio
Shoe Size:: 12
Pants Size:: 38 36
Innie or Outie?: innie
Parents Still Together?: yep
The Shoes You Wore Today:: 1984 Nike Icarus running shoes
Your Weakness:: A beautiful smile
Your Fears:: Letting someone down
Your Perfect Pizza:: Pepperoni
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: Sky Dive
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: :)
Thoughts First Waking Up:: Fuck it was a dream
Your Best Physical Feature:: dunno
Your Bedtime:: late
Your Most Missed Memory:: High school sports
Favorite color?: chrome
Food?: deep fried stuff with cheese
Sport?: All of them
Animal?: otter
Ice Cream?: soft serve chocolate
Candy?: heath
Store?: All of them, Love shopping
Salad Dressing?: ranch
Actor?: Brad Pitt
Song?: Tuesdays Gone by lynyrd skynrd
Letter?: A
Number?: 87
Gum?: Winterfresh
Holiday?: St Pattys day
Season?: fall
Toothpaste Flavor?: wintergreen
Radio Station?: 89 x
Perfume?: Ck B
Scent besides perfume?: fresh cut cedar
Body part on the opposite sex?: Divet at the base of the neck
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: An astronaut
How Do You Want To Die?: Fast and painless
Turn ons:: Dancing
Turn offs:: Bad dancers
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: Red
Who's The Loudest?: Mike Maki
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: ryan rivard
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Matt or Scott
Who's The Shyist?: Bowler
When Have You Cried The Most?: Grandma death
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Being a winner....
Worst Feeling?: losing when it was out of your control
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: Cali, Florida, Jamacia, haita, fucking cuba, Somewhere warm
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: Having the ablitiy to not have a hangover.
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: Whats the life expectance on an alchol submersed liver? take that and add 18...
Let's walk on the: Moon
Let's look at the: bottom of the mountain
What a nice: smile
Where did all the: women go
Why can't we: buy another drink
Silly, little: fucker
Isn't it weird that: her face looks like that
Never under any circumstance: will mike bowler let a girl lick his butt.
I wish: I could experience zero gravity
Everyone has a: weakness
I am: not my fucking kahkis
Been In Love?: Hope not... If I was I messed it up
Been To Juvie?: nope
Mooned Someone?: ohhh yeah
Been Rejected?: ummm yeah
Ran Away From Home?: yeah
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: haha Im a guy yea
Skipped School?: yea
Thought About Suicide?: not seriously..
Slept Outside?: yeah
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: yea
Cried In School?: yeah
Thrown Up In School?: yeah
Wanted To Be a Model?: yeah
Cheated On Someone?: yeah
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: yeah every thursday fri sat...
Seen A Dead Body?: yeah
Been Bitched Out?: yeah
Drank Alcohol?: yeah
Smoked?: yeah
Been On Drugs?: yeah
Eaten Sushi?: yeah
Been On Stage?: yeah
Gone Skinny Dipping?: yeah
Shoplifted?: yeah
Been Drunk?: yeah
Been Called A Tease?: yeah
Been Beaten Up?: Dont think so??? Maybe
Swear?: Like a sailor
Sing Well?: Nope
Shower Daily?: yep
Want To Go To College?: did
Want To Get Married?: Eventually
Believe In Yourself?: Just call me leroy brown Im the baddest motha in this whole damn town
Get Motion Sickness?: When im drunk
Think You Are Attractive?: sometimes
Get Along With Your Parents?: yep
Like Thunderstorms?: yeah they are sexy
Play An Instrument?: yeah a few
Own An IPOD?: Im ipod inept
Pray?: yeah
Go To Church?: sometimes
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: not anymore
Keep A Journal/Diary?: scrapbook
Dance In The Rain?: Not lately
Sing In The Shower?: nope
Pepsi or Coke?: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King?: B k
Single or Group Dates?: depends on the situation
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate
Strawberries or Blueberries?: Strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: Meat
TV or Movie?: Movie
Guitar or Drums?: Guitar
Adidas or Nike?: Both
Chinese or Mexican?: Chinese
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Corn flakes
or Pie?: pie
MTV or VH1?: Vh1
Blind or Deaf?: cant fathom either
Boxers or Briefs?: briefs
Do The Splits?: haha no
Write With Both Hands?: yes
Whistle?: yeah
Blow A Bubble?: yea
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: yeah
Cross Your Eyes?: yeah
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: yeah
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: nope sorry
Dance?: :)
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: I wish
You Touched:: nikkie or amy
You Talked To On The Phone:: Monica
You Instant Messaged:: Bowleer
You Hugged:: jill
You Yelled At:: my boss
You Played A Sport With:: Eric,Bob
Time You Laughed?: 20 seconds ago readin a chuck norris joke
Time You Cried?: when I watched flight 878 at nikkies moms
Movie You Watched?: Dazed and confused
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: winterfresh
Joke You Told?: chuck norris
Song You've Sung?: hinder lips of an angel
Where Are You?: Newberry
What Can You See Out Your Window?: Its the U.P. guess Green
Are You Listening To Music?: yeah
What Are You Wearing?: clothes
What's On Your Mousepad?: blue
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: If there isnt Its an awful waste of space
Do you believe in miracles?: yeah
Magic?: I dunno define then Ill tell you if I believe in it.
Love at first sight?: yeah
God?: yeah
Satan?: yeah
Ghosts?: yeah
Santa?: hell yeah Im getting a pony this year..
Evolution?: Yep Darwins my boy
Fav Eye Color:: Blue
Fav Hair Color:: Brown
Short or Long Hair:: Medium
Height:: 5'11
Weight:: 120
Best Clothing Style:: wrinkled
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: rome
Number Of CD's I Own:: lots
Your Good Luck Charm:: a scar on my left forearm
How many pillows do you sleep with?: lots and lots
Do you drink milk?: yep
Person You Hate Most:: It changes daily watch your back
Most Outdated Phrase:: cowabunga
Do you think God has a gender?: no
Where do you think we go when we die?: to the mortuiary
How many rings until you answer the phone?: When usher says Peace up A town I answer
What is something scientists need to invent?: a better chaser pill
Are you a health freak?: sunday thru thursday afternoon
Are you a virgin?: no
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: father than the last guy
What is the worst weather?: I dunno theirs alotta bad shit out there
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: prolly
How many grades have you failed?: none
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