Music, snowboarding, art.
¿real people
Incubus, The Mars Volta, Thrice, Iron & Wine, Damien Rice, The Shins, NOFX, Saves The Day, Postal Service, Jack Johnson, Rise Against, Weezer, Alkaline Trio, Avenged Sevenfold, AFI, Mellencollin, Bigwig, Modest Mouse, Bad Religion, Oasis, The Beatles, The Doors, Neile Young, Pulley. I love hearing new music, so you if you have any favorite bands that aren't up here let me know about them. I like jazz, rock, punk, acoustic, classical (orchestral/symphonic)
A clockwork orange, garden state, napolean dynamite, saving private ryan, the usual suspects, resevoire dogs, boondock saints, dumb & dumber.