CLos: Pacific Art Collective profile picture

CLos: Pacific Art Collective

They are able because they think they are able. - Virgil

About Me

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I have a winning attitude towards life, and I am an optimist, I never feel that things can get really bad, instead I am constantly thinking of elevating. I am selective about my decisions in life, specially time. I think I am a control freak, but people just say that I am extremely focused. I don't think you find happiness by just sitting passively by. I am not a self concious individual, I am always interested in experiencing and learning about the world, and beautiful people around me. Passionated for the Fine Arts, and my favorite place to experience it is at the Jean Paul Getty!My overall dreams and lifestyle is to join the ultrarich, defined as any individual with $30 million of investable assets. To have a lifestyle manager to keep me up to date with the world around me, and control damage on mediums in case of 'accidents'. I want to be a figure that trully elevates the quality of life for all Hispanics not only in the US but also all of Latin America. This means leadership, and be an outspoken individual, and have the tools to educate the public about what the rich are doing in order to become richer at an accelarated pace. I also want to be an art collector, a wally owner I trully believe deep in my heart that if wealth is not handed over to you, then you have to wake up and make it yourself. You must trully find support in your friends, your family, and be able to optimize your time on this earth to find truth, party, love, happiness, wealth, fame, whatever you are into. At the end of my life, I just want someone to ask me: 'How did you become sucessful, and helped so many people?' Til' then I will I have an answer. One thing I am certain, in order to make your dreams come true, you must have health and fitness in your life. You have to look and feel good about breathing.So don't be shy and say hello already.

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

Anyone from Shanghai, Buenos Aires, Moscow, Mexico City, Tokyo, and any other happening city in the world.


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100 Years of Solitude, Atlas Shrugged, The Great Gatsby, The Art of Seduction, The Lottery, How To Read A Person Like A Book, 48 Laws of Power, Art of War, The Stranger, The 48 Laws of Power, Mighty Hard Road, Siddartha, China Dawn, The Man Who Changed China, Rain of Gold, and How To Get Rich.About 100 Years of Solitude, it is a great novel that tells the story of a familia through 6 generations. I trully believe that reading this novel has made me not only a better reader, but nevertheless a better writer. I can understand that the world we live in sometimes has magic, a magical realism, where you cannot explain why things happen, why they feel soo good, or why people behave in certain ways. For example, hot tortillas.Atlas Shrugged an epic novel that it is the incubator for objectivism philosophy. The novel tells the story of Dagny Taggart that discover that intellectual power, can change destiny, disrupt societies, and not be afraid of climbing to the top...even if society is not ready for it. Never sacrifice a dream of yours, for someone else's.

My Blog

end of wells fargo career, a description of change

Before turning in my two weeks notice today at wells fargo i tried to understand what the feeling of change is best described as.  The feeling is a mix of fear of the unknown, with possibility of...
Posted by CLos: Dec 31st at St Francis in the City of SF on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 12:51:00 PST


Posted by CLos: Dec 31st at St Francis in the City of SF on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 10:29:00 PST

Your reward for your Vote why:  Cause is one of the Best of The Bay -San Francisco Magazine 2006When: November 10th 7pmWhere:  San Jose Museum of ArtBring t...
Posted by CLos: Dec 31st at St Francis in the City of SF on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 08:03:00 PST

Savings Coupon for Nov. 10th Cultural Xposure

www.pacificartcollective.comSend me your email and receive a discount coupon. ...
Posted by CLos: Dec 31st at St Francis in the City of SF on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 11:38:00 PST

I am inviting you all...

Pacific Art Collective's crown jewel show is back this week, make sure to check it out.  Take pride in your Silicon Valley artists.  PAC has created a market for these events here in downtow...
Posted by CLos: Dec 31st at St Francis in the City of SF on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 07:38:00 PST

Departed>Collabo>Honduras>Leaving Downtown

The movies, I haven't blogged about them in a while.  Here are my top movies for 2006 so far:1. The Departed 2. United 933. Half Nelson4. The Science of SleepI like to compare the way we eat wit...
Posted by CLos: Dec 31st at St Francis in the City of SF on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 01:47:00 PST

Friday Night: Make plans.

Always working hard to make the Silicon Valley art scene be known.  Best of the Bay!
Posted by CLos: Dec 31st at St Francis in the City of SF on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 09:12:00 PST

Tuning for Las Vegas

This is the second time I am travelling to Las Vegas for work exclusively.  I am excited because the only reason for this trip is all about PAC.PAC's event will be at the Arts Center in Las Vegas...
Posted by CLos: Dec 31st at St Francis in the City of SF on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 12:50:00 PST

San Jose High Rise Condo

San Jose Place, will be a 22 story high rise condo building.  Location, Location, Location makes this place ideal, never mind anything else.  Also, Dan Fenton has money all over this project...
Posted by CLos: Dec 31st at St Francis in the City of SF on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 12:31:00 PST


DAVID'S BIRTHDAY     was a lot of fun.  My birthday gift to him is a trip to Honduras.  I asked his boss last night if it was ok for him to have dec 26th to Jan 6th off, she said y...
Posted by CLos: Dec 31st at St Francis in the City of SF on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 10:28:00 PST