Negative Negation profile picture

Negative Negation

You should not use no double negative!

About Me

I started Negative Negation as a solo project in 2006. After I had some songs written and a clear idea of what my music should sound like I decided to record the songs. Here you can always listen to the latest stuff. So stay tuned...
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Negative Negation entstand 2006 als mein Solo Projekt. Nachdem ich eine klare Vorstellung vom meiner Musik hatte, habe ich die ersten Songs aufgenommen. Hier könnt ich euch immer das neuste Zeug anhören. So stay tuned...
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NN on lastfm
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My Interests


Member Since: 9/18/2006
Band Members: Adam Laszlo
Influences: I have many influences, basically everything I like, this is everything from Dream Theater, Metallica to Cannibal Corpse, Behemoth and stuff. And also Classical music. Bach rulez!! Anyway I don't know any band that sounds like NN that's why everything inspires and influences me a bit.
Sounds Like: Well listen to it then you know...
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New Song online!!

Hi,I've cut my 20 minute song into 3 pieces, so you can listen to it right with the myspace player. Hope you enjoy it |m/_
Posted by Negative Negation on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 01:15:00 PST

New Song!!!

Hey,there's a new NN song out there :-D It's the continuation of "Insanity", it has quite a lot of guitar shred stuff, so enjoy ;-)
Posted by Negative Negation on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 04:05:00 PST