Tattooing, drawing, graffitti, painting, bowling (all of a sudden), base jumping, sneaker junkie, Star Wars geek...
Sexy ladies with tattoos and a brain but not neccesarily in that order and tattoo enthusiasts in general.
Beats, rhymes, riffs, funk, soul, roots, rap, reggae...
The obvious...Star Wars, STYLE Wars, The Big Lebowski, Midnight Run, Blade Runner, The Godfather, Goodfellas, so many-so little time...
The Honeymooners, Simpsons, Chappelle Show, Family Guy, South Park, Sopranos, 24, Futurama, Miami Ink
New York History, Bukowski, Autobiographies, Tattoo-Graff and art in general, although I mostly look at pretty pictures.
Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski, Marvin Gaye, Taki 183, Sam O'Riley, Michaelangelo Buonarroti, and the man responsible for the blueberry muffins at Cafe Nero's...