"I'd like to kick that indie witch in the tits." Likes Friends; Vintage; Electro; Androgyny; Gameboys; feeling posi; Pete Doherty; Charity Shops; Hxc dancing; Secrets; Laura fraggling my hair; Retro things; Intelligence; friendly strangers; Jack Daniels; borrowed nostalgia; walking around London with no shoes on; Jane Austen; my keyboard; New York; Horoscopes; Romance; clocks; lightning bolts; owls; when your shoes stick to the dancefloor; Nintendo; anything synonymous with the 90s.
Lateness; Fickleness; people who wear too many clothes at once; boys swearing in front of girls; Shyness; Naivety; haters; being tickled; the morning after the night before; people who seemingly live to be individual; Essex; Jealousy; Milk; Modern Art; Small mindedness