celebration chiasson. profile picture

celebration chiasson.

I am here for Friends

About Me

...cause it's getting kind of quiet in my city and
it takes a teenage riot to get me out of bed right now...
you've had the wind knocked out of you by
something life size.
(and you're afraid to say
to your face, you
stretch the pen and
cheat the sleep)...
this sort of evening
you want to say something
words cannot form.
(hey hey my playmate
won't you lay your hands on me?
mirror my malady;
transfer my tragedy).
what a night
to be
(my heart's aflame,
my body's strained,
but god i like it).
they call it "bella noche."
(when the moon is round and full
gonna teach you tricks that'll blow your mongrel mind).
the great advantage of being alive
(instead of undying) is not so much
that mind can no more disprove than prove
what heart may feel and soul may touch
--the great(my darling)happens to be
that love are in we,that love are in we
(babydoll i recognize
you're a hideous thing inside).
the only thing i'll ever ask of you?
you've got to promise not to stop when i say "when."
(it's true true true true,
we're howling forever).
take a left
a sharp left
and another left.
meet me on the corner;
we'll start
(tell your grandma
and your momma too).
to carthage then i came
burning burning burning burning
o lord thou pluckest me out
o lord thou pluckest
"...and i almost love this town when i'm by your side."
screenname: safety disables
email: [email protected]
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My Interests

mary cassatt. banjos. pianos. guitars. sawblades. astronauts. felt-tip pens. official-looking fonts. sleeping cats. good movies with a good drink. bad movies with good friends. a book of any kind. any song that elicits a tingling feeling. my bed. pomegranates. peaches. watermelons. avocados. corn with a little black pepper. lightly salted popcorn. black coffee. baguette slices with tomato. red wine.

I'd like to meet:

alley cat. the tramp.

a warm color scheme and a cool night.

maybe half a mind to show you...


a soundtrack for my recent days:

"wolf like me"
--by tv on the radio.
--by 13&god.
"mr. blue sky"
--by electric light orchestra.
"once around the block"
--badly drawn boy.
"the body breaks"
--by devendra banhart.
--by foo fighters.
"the rat" --by the walkmen.
"eric's trip"
--by sonic youth.
"how near how far"
--by ...and you will know us by the trail of dead.
"my love"
--by cuddlemonster.


little miss sunshine. the city of lost children. grindhouse. blue. white. red. amelie. before sunrise. before sunset. the fountain. au revoir les enfants. lady and the tramp. the aristocats. punch drunk love. stalker. the irony of fate (or, enjoy your bath). in america. city of god. hotel rwanda. harold and kumar go to whitecastle. mulholland dr. burn to shine: washington dc. delicatessen.


heroes. the OC. lost. 24. supernatural. veronica mars. arrested development. sex and the city. the comeback. six feet under. gilmore girls. junkin'. space ghost coast to coast. strangers with candy. the office. america's next top model. the daily show. i don't have cable but i rent tv shows like mad.


talk to me in person about books.

trust me on this one. it's worth your while.




even though george wrote this, and not myself; i'm not gonna deny it.

My Blog

an apology for my aloofness last night.

for anyone who saw me last night and wondered "what the hell is wrong with that girl?" don't worry. i was tired and i was a little upset about stuff that had absolutely nothing to do with my surroundi...
Posted by celebration chiasson. on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 04:49:00 PST

you take what you want.

so here's what i've been thinking over the course of the day.and it really came in handy because i helped dustin through a similar situation with the same metaphor i found myself figuring out at some ...
Posted by celebration chiasson. on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 11:34:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by celebration chiasson. on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 01:13:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by celebration chiasson. on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 01:05:00 PST

wikipedia search

in wikipedia, under june 18th (my birthday):EVENTS:1178 - Five Canterbury monks see what was possibly the Giordano Bruno crater being formed. It is believed that the current oscillations of the moon's...
Posted by celebration chiasson. on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 09:26:00 PST

good news if you value my hearing (which you should)!

after lying on one side for thirty whole minutes with liquid in it and trying to move around periodically so the liquid didn't just stay in one place and then rinsing it out and dousing it with warm w...
Posted by celebration chiasson. on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 12:05:00 PST

'burned out?' i don't understand the term 'burned out.' i understand 'do what you have to do.'

the title is a quote from gerald harman, my navy seal/cia grandfather. FACT: my grandfather, as a navy seal, was impaled by a bayonet, suffered from amoebic dysentary, broke his leg parachuting at ni...
Posted by celebration chiasson. on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 12:27:00 PST

my pen is the only part of me worth keeping....

odes to the cancer city (and etc and etc and etc)...   (commented on bobby's page ages upon ages ago) (i.e. how it all began): you must come winstoning. we shall make a joyous ruckus, we will par...
Posted by celebration chiasson. on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 11:55:00 PST

a whole month's salary; gonna set it to flames....

so there was the idea already: the book about the lives of mallrats.well, i just had the most inspiring shower experience of my life.i was sitting in the bottom of the shower with the water as hot as...
Posted by celebration chiasson. on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 10:29:00 PST

and then rilke spoke; and the heaven's listened.

if your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches.... -rainer maria rilke.     fuck, man. rilke just SCHOOLED my dumb ass....
Posted by celebration chiasson. on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 03:23:00 PST