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Welcome To Thunderdome, Bitch

About Me

I'm Clark, as you probably know, I'm 18(ay laura :P), I'm From Scotland (If you think thats bad...) from Newbigging (I know, you haven't heard of it, it's near Dundee)not much you can do there, part from go to the park with the 5 other people who actually live there.
I like hangin with mates, erm, goin to gigs is the best erm, i like to go bowling - but not as a junoir so you get thrown out of the bar even though you have a drivers licence (helpful hint: dont try and scam megabowl, you will be thrown out lol),i like Hangin out at the BK Lounge, Havin "Fun Filled Days" at Monifeith, and taking "Fun Filled Photos", going to the fringe is great, especially to see greatly funny comedians like Wil Anderson (I am the Wilrus - :p classic) :p :D
off to uni this year - goin to do forensic science at abertay :D (i know lol "why would i want to do that") ahh, i find it interesting anyways, i dont mind the blood/organs, in fact i would like to be a pathologist, that would be great!!
Last Caress by The Misfits
I got somethin to say
I killed your baby today
And it doesnt matter much to me
As long as its dead
Well i got somethin to say
I raped you mother today
And it doesnt matter much to me
As long as she spread
Sweet lovely death
I am waiting for your breath
Come sweet death, one last caress
Well, I got something to say
I killed your baby today
And it doesn't matter much to me
As long as its dead
Sweet lovely death
I am waiting for your breath
Come sweet death, one last caress
One last caress, sweet death
One last caress, sweet death

thats me, if u dont like me, oh well, im not that fond of you either =P

My Interests

Skateboarding (back after 2 years - Check The Pics), football, rugby, basketball, american football, biking, generally sports related things :P

I'd like to meet:

Dane Cook - Legend (And the monkey, ready for a battle, of course)
Wil Anderson (for too many reasons to explain)
The Misfits and NOFX!


Usually anything, but at the moment: NOFX, The Misfits, None More Black...Thats it!


Dont mind really, watch anything, like comedys the most i suppose - waiting, haha all jet li/bruce lee films are excelent


Dont know, whatevers on, sports mostly


read The Law Killers, that was good, erm, Tv Nation by Michael Moore was the funniest thing i have ever read, but i have not yet started to read my Rich Hall book "Things Snowball" which may well take over from Tv Nation as the funniest book i have ever read


Wil Anderson - He has to be the funniest comedian ever saw his show at the fringe and actually didnt stop laughing!! Everyone in Tourgasm was hilarious!! Cant really think of people...OH Cartridge Davidson of course, only ally will get that though (Its Tony Laws dog) Oh Yeh and they guy that stands outside the comedy club and improvises songs about passers by, my god that was funny as hell!! "your at that age, where you cant have to much beige, you even bought some for your wife, who has a sleevless top therefore she has the right to bear arms so she must be american" haha!! :D