rock hardcore sludge stoner crust D-beat grindcore trashcore doom drone trash speedrock punk punk-rock FUNK DISCO, FUNK DISCO FUNK DISCO punk-hardcor blackmetal death-metal stoner/sludge hard-rock doom-drone screamo prog gore-grind (yipee!!!) et desole pour ceux que j'oublie...
tous ceux qui le desirent...ou pas, c'est selon, j'peux pas dire
motorhead, mastodon, BAD BRAINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, akimbo, doomriders, bongzilla, at the drive-in, ultralord, beaten back to pure, coliseum, tragedy, wolfbrigade, from ashes rise, union of uranus, monarch, comeback kid, born from pain, bane, champion, M-16, knuckledust, have heart, aguirre, BAD BRAINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, year of no light, orange goblin, unida, kyuss, karma to burn, dozer, spiritual beggars, blind dog, cathedral, sleep, dying fetus, raw radar war, only living witness, nofx, prejudice gva, neurosis, bad religion, kruger, suicidal tendancies, D.O.A, black flag, discharge, torche, baroness, spritual beggars, emperor, brujeria, moho, kylesa, orthodox, lair of the minotaur, queens of the stone age, mondo generator, brant bjork and the bros, suma, unida, hermano, blutch, ultraphallus, every time i die, fu manchu, grand magus, cathedral, morgion, type o negative, black sabb', iron batasuna, death breath, sunn)))o, fantomas, gojira, ministry, killing joke, converge, rise and fall, another breath, comeback kid, chromehoof, prong, an albatross, the locust, amenra, ALTAR, plan 9, nekromantix, tiger army, zeke, weedeater, electric wizard , milligram, BAD BRAINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, coliseum, melvins, venomous concept, acid king, black cobra, cortez, knut, nostromo, impure wilhelmina, kruger, oxbow, boris, merzbow, sourvein, eyehategod, minsk, rwake, unearthly trance, dystrythmia, fishbone, mumakil, tragedy, his hero is gone, down, pantera, superjoint ritual, martyrdod, dosmdod, wolfpack, the helm, visions of war, cop on fire, oroku, to what end, skitsystem, genozide SS, nasum, ictus, rev cocks,the evils, peter pan speed rock, BAD BRAINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, BILLIE HOLLIDAY, ELECTRIC GRAVE RIDERS...
Dobermann Shaft (la version originale, le remake avec samuel L. Jackson est une sombre merde...) Sin City Casino Le Parrain Nausicaa de la Vallee du Vent
Les Mysterieuses Cites d'Or Dragon Ball Z Saint Seiya Daria Beavis et Butt-head South Park Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Le salaire de la peur Les souffrances du jeune Werther Conte de la folie ordinaire Bukowski, Sade, Morrison, Doyle, Burroughs, Goethe, Cesaire, Senghor...