Kai... profile picture


I may not be able to turn lead into gold, but I can turn a 2 into a 10 in three elixirs...

About Me

This part has been filled out by a good friend named Joey, you may know him as "Dr. Joey" or the "Keeper of the Spirits". He will now give his impression of me as follows:
Hello, I am giving my impression of "The Young Paduan" as I call him.
There is intensity in ten cities bottled into a small town named Kyle. I have spoken...My part, just a hard working guy who enjoys life spontaneously as much as I can and loves to meet new people whenever possible. Growing up the majority of my life with a single mother and two younger sisters to care for, I definitely know how to treat a lady as well as dealing with the day to day "women issues" which is a part of life that has to be expected and understood. If you don't understand, then you definitely need a clue! The cliche, "Women should be put on a pedastal", entirely true and you better believe it!

My Interests

Open to all things! The more creative the better! Just so long as it's not outrageously idiotic! Love to cook, but just usually don't have the time! Microwave... absolutely LAST resort!!!

I'd like to meet:

This part from Dr. Joey again..."The guy who keeps putting those stupid flyers on my car when I'm not there. If you see him, tell him I'm going to kick his ass. I'd also like to meet "Mr. Giant, Number One, Foam Finger Inventor", and his buddy "Mr. Jean Short Inventor". Two guys that have literally changed life as we know it". Haha! I definitely agree! A beautiful, single, and fun lovin' woman would be just as great as well! Easier written than found you think...


Pretty much anything. Rock, pop, R&B, concerto, jazz, etc. If I happen to don't like the music that someone else is listening to at that time, then I'll just tune it out and wait for the next. By the way, I am not a "trekkie" due to the music on my profile. Just love instrumental music!


Kinda depends. I like a lot of different genres of movies. I'll either know right off that NO, definitely not seeeing this one, or looks interesting so maybe, & if I like it, I do. If I don't, well pretty obvious. Don't really have time to go to the movies, so mostly everything is watched via DVD. Comfort is the goal, good company, great food & drinks, plus a great DVD or more! Take that over a cramped movie seat with a sticky soda strewn floor and some couple making out in the row behind you anyday!


Discovery, Food Network, HBO, USA, Spike, MTV, MTV2, Travel, Fine, Speed channel, TLC... whatever catches my eye while channel surfing. Depends on how many cable channels you've got.


David Eddings, Clive Cussler, Barry Sadler, Simon Brown, Sharon Green, Orsin Scott Card, Dan Brown, Bernard Cornwell, Tom Clancy, basically a lot of sci-fi, action, mystery, or fantasy. Although I will try reading anything at least once. You'd be surprised at what you find, but always open to anything new to be offered.


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