NRG profile picture


Wide is the path, that leads to distruction!

About Me

ask if u r interested

Myspace Layouts at / Help those who are without wings

NRG vil have dig til at se et fotografi på MySpace i My Friends In Denmark-albummet

The one and only! :-)

NRG vil have dig til at se et fotografi på MySpace i Heavy Metal Sunday-albummet 6ff.jpg%26quot%3B+alt%3D%26quot%3B+%26quot%3B+%2F%3E

August Burns Red - Truth of a Liar 06.23.07

Like the fall of Rome, you will come crashing down. The truth hurts, but denial’s what will kill you.


I remember every word you say!Come back in time!

Becoming the Archetype - Cornerstone 2008

I am too excited to give a comment to this one! BTA are best band ever!

Extol - Undeceived

No sign of light, no sign of hope as a dark shadow enters her room...

Antestor - Via Dolorosa

Is there really life for me Is there any place I can dwell Pleasuers of the flesh - Via Dolorosa!

Demon Hunter - "Not Ready To Die"

I'm not ready to die...

Joining You Alanis Morissette

we need reflection we need a really good memory feel free to call me a little more often

Jamie Cullum Twentysomething Live at Blenheim Palace - UK

I'm a twenty something - Jamie is so talented in piano-play that he doesn't need any band...

Mozart - Requiem - Lacrimosa

Mozart is genius of classical music

Mozart - Requiem - Lacrimosa

Mozart is genius of classical music

Muse - Butterflies & Hurricanes

Best you got to be the best, you got to change the world!Your time is now!

Client Eastwood - Gorillaz

I ain't happy I'm feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag...

coldplay fix you

when you... ... Lights will guide you home!This song has so good text!

Rain-Breaking Benjamin with lyric

beautiful song!

My Interests

many interests...I love art - my favourites are Maja Lisa Engelhardt and Peter Brandes - big witness for me as an artist, Salvador Dali because he is the king og surrealism, Pablo Picasso king of kubisme, Van Gogh inspirer of impressionism, Paul Signac king of pointilism, my teachers Ujal and Namik from Azerbaijan the inspires of my art GOD, who is the eternal artist - King of all kings :-)

I'd like to meet:

my family


all kinds of music, with some exceptions...


Amadeus Alien - most romantic film, ask or guess why ;-)


don..t watch TV! If you want a TV then you can get it from me for free... I don..t use it :S


Bible Da Vinci Anatomy of drawings H.C. Andersen and many more inspiring books for my art-world...



My Blog

Will East ever meet West?!

Well this is my little book that I've been thinking of and think of still... It's too long, so if you are interested, then read it in small passages different days... Right now I feel a beet confusion...
Posted by NRG on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 03:22:00 PST

Beautiful Norway

Someone who lived in the mountains said: ¨This is the highest place of the world¨ He ment a little place by Saronsdal not so far from Kvinesdal - Kristiansand area. He ment it seriously because he liv...
Posted by NRG on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 01:16:00 PST

Every day is a challenge!

do what the rules say, not what your heart says!  Your hearts dreams and your plans are not what life brings to your gate. The rules dictate what you have to dream and what you have to want. Peo...
Posted by NRG on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 04:26:00 PST

Robot people without heart!

is there any place on the earth where people who are tired of government abusing their positions could be in peace. A place where there were no religion, no laws and no bad thinking people!!! People w...
Posted by NRG on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 11:42:00 PST

Online/Offline følelser

Jeg kommer fra Azerbaijan. Det er ikke så meget nyt ved, men som i de fleste muslimske lande er det sådan, at man er meget tæt tilknyttet til sin familie. Man bor hos dem indtil man ikke gider, man be...
Posted by NRG on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 03:40:00 PST