Poe profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

"I Love Life!" That is the easiest way to describe me. Yesterday fades and Tomarrow has not yet arrived now is what is important. I enjoy my hobbies and treasure my friends and family. My home is my palace and with few exceptions I enjoy being alone. Although, I find this changing. I will always value my personal time but for the first time I am discovering that having people to hang out and do things with is a very nice thing as well. If my job payed better I would stay there forever, but it is good for now.Laughter is a remedy for most things and even if things are bed, life is still good. I love people who share my geeky intrests.

My Interests

I LOVE to read, anything from fantasy novels, Uber Xena stories, Comics, and Fanfiction of various animes. Life without reading would be depressing. With a love to read comes for me a desire to write. I have a few Fanfiction stories I am currently working on. I have recently started drawing again, nothing artsy, I like comic stuff. And I have a huge action figure collection, and no it does not bother me if people call them "dollies!"

I'd like to meet:

Old friends that I have lost contact with.


My music list is so random I can't really describe my tastes. I love my J-pop and anime music. I enjoy slow 60&70's songs and 80's love ballads. A few country songs have been popping up on my list latly. But that is only a small portion of my collection as I write this Simon and Garfunkle is playing.


Whispers of my heart, Deep Impact, Shall We Dance "Japanese Version", Night at the Roxbury


Xena, Anime, WWE, House


Comics, lots of em! And Uber Xena stuff.

My Blog

Knock on wood, and There is no God

Ok it might be odd to mix a serious topic with a silly one, but eh thats me.  Ok first the silly one which I call Knock on wood.  For the last six months I have had some pretty bad jaw pain....
Posted by Poe on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 05:38:00 PST

Thoughts and Musings

Just a random update on random stuff, a few thoughts on things and some goals I would like to achieve this year.  First off one of my favorite anime's is called Glass Mask and is about a girl who...
Posted by Poe on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 07:28:00 PST

The creepy E-mail & Comics=Love!

Ok, first off I got a creepy e-mail yesterday.  Just looking at it plainly there is nothing strange about it, but when I first saw it it made my spine tingle.  It was entitled,A special nice...
Posted by Poe on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 09:12:00 PST

Little things, and "The Gitchy"

I returned home recently from a two week trip to San Antonio.  When I was returning I had a layover at the Las Vegas airport.  While I was there I decided, spur of the moment, to get my boot...
Posted by Poe on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 05:26:00 PST