A few of my true friends.... one most of all, a friend who doesn't know it, she is younger then me, good hearted, and always there, like when I came home to Florida call her from a hang out, and she showed up even though I was being a ass and forggeting to keep in touch and return phone calls, we always pick up where things left off. She always knows I'm late at everything I do, opps.... anyways my heart touching moment right there..smiles, now go find me a fReCkin beer and same Jack...DaMn It! Oh and My Grandmother, when she ain't bitching me out!!! Even then , hearts obaasan!!!! And all my Pals that keep going through out the day out and in, as well, people who don't run from there emotions cause of there past or insucuredes (spell check? :P), the last year has been has been hell, I owe it to them!