Rachel profile picture


About Me

i had this myspace for a year and couldnt even log onto it...that's how computer literate i am...i love to love...i love to enjoy life...i love to inspire others to enjoy their life...i am hardcore...i love the truth no matter how much it hurts or is uncomfortable...i love a challenge...although i'm very energetic and usually flying around, i am set against being busy for the sake of being busy~it'll eat u alive...i have a strange love-hate relationship w/ coffee~it smells great but tastes gross~i love espresso~i like some coffee w/ my sugar...i like healthy organic food that my dad says is strange...i'm my daddy's girl...i have a HUGE mouth...i'm going to travel the world and sing and speak in many other languages...music is amazing...i'm passionate about music...i LOVE to dance...and sing..and play keys..and guitar..and try drums...;)...i dream a lot...i'm only just beginning to live my dreams...i want to have a six-pack...what i really really want is for all people to Know Jesus, that he woulndt be hidden to your view by the ugly mask of religiosity or hypocrisy or a boxed view of 'church' as we've seen it or grown up with....i want people to be free... found this travel layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com

My Interests

running, swimming, laughing...uncontrollably, singing, eating, sunny-ness, breezes, seeing people laugh, playing the piano, dancing...esp. swing! curly hair, surfing, learning, studio fun, tackling people, volleyball, football, gymnastics, guitars, saving lives, LIVING


mother teresa, don milller, madea, pastor dave hess, beth kempf, spiderman(seriously!)

My Blog

the greener side

i was reading about someone's, hmmm, shall i say 'life questions'?...and it led me to contemplate our constant pull to want the 'grass in our neighbors yard'. is it really that much greener or is our ...
Posted by Rachel on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:27:00 PST

red and yellow black and white they are precious in his sight...

today i visited this church that was made up primarily of refugees from Africa(Kenya mainly...i think...) . i was one of the few white people there. (i’m really black cause i got soul) it was as...
Posted by Rachel on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 07:16:00 PST

san antonio

soooo...since san antonio has been a not so pleasant place for me to move to i decided to kick my attitude in the butt and see what i CAN enjoy here...  i can walk to my grandmas house from where...
Posted by Rachel on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 06:27:00 PST