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Little Pink Soldier

oNE more Days!!!

About Me

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My Interests


Breast Cancer… It’s a bitch… I doesn’t just affect middle age women, and some times men, IT AFFECTS US ALL!!! We teens have been painfully SILENT about the subject, acting as if it wasn’t there, like it doesn’t alter our daily lives, Wake Up Call! 1 out of 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer… Will you mom be one of them??? Mine Was… 43,300 women will die this year because of this wretched cancer, that 43,300 shattered families, families that used to be just like yours. Breast Cancer can happen to ANYONE,,, and boys your not excluded. 1,600 men will get breast cancer and 400 will die. Still Not Convinced. Girls, do you like your boobs??? Face it you love them! Imagine them amputated!!! Yes they can do that to isolate the cancer. Boys, imagine the love of your life suffering through that. Through Chemo, through surgery… Cancer is a BITCH, any one who’s fighting it deserves the title HERO. Detected early survival rate increase dramatically. So chicks start examining your breast now!!! Why??? Well first off there’s a chance you might developed it even as a teen. Rare but not impossible. Plus it get you into a monthly habit, which is extremely good! Then of course the whole getting comfy in your skin.If you like to know more about cancer contact me and I’ll send you a couple of links.

So Now you know of the 212,600 people fighting breast cancer, what are you going to do??? ARE YOU GOING TO TURN AWAY??? OR BECOME A PINK SOLDIER AND JOIN THE FIGHT AGAINST BREAST CANCER???



( yah i know it was a little hard to read but it sure looks awesome though) My Mom was diagnosed when I was 12. It affected me in a big way. First I realized how human my mom was. I had always saw her as invincible but when she was put into surgery it hit me that she could DiE just like any one else. It was hard, I knew we all had to be strong. My mom was Not going to die, she’s to stubborn and I’m to stubborn to let her. She survived and in remission be the morals we learned along the way live on. - cheesy, yes, but it's true PINK SOLDIER

So what as Pink Soldiers are we doing anyways? Well as a Pink Soldier are line of duty is to get the younger generation more involved in Breast Cancer Awareness. Whether it be in fundraising or just spreading the message. As teens, we’re not helpless, we have an impact, I mean look at MySpace and YouTube!!! Spread hope to any one in need of a pick me up! Need Ideas? Have Ideas and Need Help? Contact Me, Steph, Jynx or Shayne we will be happy to help!!!

I'd like to meet:


The Flash Back
It was a rather cold Saturday,
I was going into Wake Med for my first MRI. Tension filled the car as we drove, tempers flared in the uncertainty. When we finally got there, a Mc D cup in one hand, phone in the other I strode into the hospital. It wasn’t hostile but neither was it welcoming. The sterile white floor matched the sterile white walls.
Time seem to cease in the bactericidal prison, and warmth didn’t exist in the alternate universe. The attending wore her smile like a $1 tie, though I think the tie had more emotion. There’s no denying they where nice but I could feel the rehearsed tone in there voice. After the paper work was sign and file I departed from my family and into the MRI machine.
It look like a toy spaceship and I was that idiot astronut waiting to blast off into a black hole. Lying in the space ship as it blasted off (noisily, scared the shit out of me!!) suddenly it hit me. What if I did have a brain tumor, what if I died??? My hallucinations kick in and I saw my memories on the white ceiling of the machine, like a in flight movie… I don’t even know myself…and you know what? It wasn’t enough! I wasn’t enough! I had no legacy, no significance, no impact.
If I died I would leave nothing behind, my image would die with my friends and family… and That’s Not Good Enough! I’m better then that! We’re all better then that. I want to be some one’s hero, I want people to say when I died there goes one hell of a girl, I want to make this world better! And I REFUSE to die until I do so… And this is when I start…

This year in America, more than 211,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 43,300 die. One woman in eight either has or will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. in addition, 1,600 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 400 will die this year. If detected early, the five-year survival rate exceeds 95% . Mammograms are among the best early detection methods, yet 13 million U.S. women 40 years of age or older have never had a mammogram. Support The National Breast Cancer Foundation today and give the gift of hope to those in need.

*Hey, This is †Shayne†, certainly not "hacking", but here to say a few things about her main "SMEXY CHiiNKSTA" ♥Jules♥:
Jules: -is the most amzing person
-is extremely talented
-she cares , unlike anyone else.
she's nice. Extremely sweet. but she will fuck you up if provoked. I love her with all my heart and soul and if you dare even mess with her, I'll tear you a new one.


Check Out These Pink Warriors
-The Pink Project check it out
-the Pink Winged Warrior
-Keep a Breast
-Boarding for Breast Cancer
-Find a Cure
-KIM is Beating Stage 4 Breast Cancer
-Supporters with Survivors
-Sixty Miles
-Sisterhood of Breast Cancer Survivors
-Divas Ring
-Punks for Pink
-Femal Musicians Fighting Breast Cancer
-The Naked Truth

Something i have notice about so many breast cancer survivors and fighter is that there SO modest. Soldiers are look upon as hero's for fight in the iraq war. Why wouldn't people who fight the pink war be soldiers? besides i don't think the 'breast cancer survivors' is the right words. They didn't just survive the pink war, the won it... so maybe breast cancer veterans would work...


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It's 4:30 am

Hey yall, i've never writen a blog but i guess this is a good time to start ehh? Well it 4:46 am and im sitting on the roof of my house with my cat to keep me warm... It's nice up here... There a drea...
Posted by Little Pink Soldier on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 02:25:00 PST