My Name Is Sarah. Im 15.(that would make me year 11 dick) I Live With My Mum - shes more like my best friend really, sometimes it feels like we are just two students sharing a flat - i atually love it.
My Life Is Very Complicated, But Who Gives A Twodle? I'd Tell You All I Hate My Real Father, Buut He Did Teach me To Stick Up For Myself :]
im very mature for my age which has its ups and downs, i dont like being called "kiddo" and all that other shite.
so plese dont insult me in such ways.
im a funny fucker if you give me the chance, but not many people do.
I cant stand boys and girls who cannot live without a partner - i think they are weak human beings.
i dont care what you think of me (:
i'd like to say im "average" but i aint really.. im into everything from job for a cowboy - brains kan i love oldskool tunes aswell :] i like to smoke green, anyday over alcohol!!! :] but i spose a can of beer in one hand a boon in the other is good (Y)
ive been told im easy to get on with and some of my friends call me nige (Y) - long story
Ive Also Been Told Im A Bit Of A Legend (y)
Talk To Me Because Im Bare Kind And Reply To Messages And Stuffs (:
Sarah Fucking Pearce, you make me wet because...
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