voLLeybaLL.. chAttiNg.. cLeaning my rOom.. cOoking.. i gUeSs so?..
God.. angeLs.. sAints.. kiNgs and qUeEn.. pRince and pRincEsS.. rOyaL bLoOd.. pReSidEnt.. primE ministEr.. chRistiAns.. cAthoLic.. musLims.. buddhist.. jEhova.. eL shAddAi.. and mAny mOre..
aLternAtive.. LoVe sOng.. meLLow.. pop.. hippy.. sLow rOck..
mouLin rOuge.. titAnic.. sweetest tHing.. 50 first dAte.. shrek2.. spiDermAn2.. x-mEn2.. mAtrix 2,1,3.. cOnstAntiNe.. a Lot LikE LovE.. hOw to LoSe a gUy in 10 dAys..
piMp my ride.. aMbUsh mAkE oVer.. mtv.. myk..