About Me
Well my name's Spencer but I've always gone by Bing , or Bingo, Bingah, Bingus, Bing-a-ling, Bingleton, Bingi Bear (call me that and I'll shoot you), Bingi Baby, Binger, Bingster, Bing-Bing, Will, Dominic, Augustine, etc. haha. Depends who you are. Call me whatever.
I'm a sagitarius, die-hard romantic, perfectionist, focused Confucianist, known to sometimes be pedantic and an intellectual elitist and I love everything. I tend to want what I can't have and live life as a perfect musical and fairytale. If you aren't stricken by my horrible case of effervescence then you will be quickly irritated by my incessant high-pitched fusion of Enya and Usher or singing of every song ever known to man and woman, alike; well, or you will fall in love with me for it haha jp. I sacrifice scripted eloquence for written passion. They say that I look like Li Shang from Mulan - I'm inclined to think that I look part Mexican. I'm a night owl and if you see me in the morning, please don't fret; I did not smoke illegal medicines all night and I DID get my eight hours of recommended sleep. My confidence and openness are often misconstrued as arrogance - although I'm still picking at why a detailed schedule of my urinary patterns is at all something that should be enamored over.
My mind is fast-paced but I like takin' thangs nice and slow. I'm really versatile: one second I'll be talking about love and the next my pet elephant when I was a child - don't worry, it isn't you, it's me. I have my life on my mind and my mind on my life. Did I mention that I'm corny? I love people. And when I say love, I venture to mean that I am infatuated with them; open-mindedness is a hobby that I strive for. I'm a TRUE gentlemen on the streets and underneath...but don't be fooled, I'm known to be a freak...sometimes haha. I think I also failed to mention that rhyming es uno de mis pasatiempos favoritos.
Born and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee, I've traveled to over 22 countries including Tibet (FREE TIBET!) and South Africa. I'm 1/4 Pacific Islander, 1/4 Tai, 1/4 Canton, and 1/4 Chinese but I get mistakened for being Mexican or Pinoy a lot. I know to most of you there is no difference between any of those origins, but trust me, there is haha. I speak Chinese, Spanish, English, and I'd like to think that I'm pretty well-versed in el idioma de amor....bromeando haha.
I love having deeply profound and heartfelt conversations at all hours of the day, the semi-colon, the dash, and obnoxiously-pedantic words. I collect international hotel key cards, Pez dispensers, and urban vernacular - dos palabras. I suffer from music ADD, the plague of the Asian glow, and traditional Southern Christian values. I feed off BBQ Baby Back Ribs from Tony Roma's and the Mango Mantra smoothie - with fiber - from Jamba Juice. I thrive on intense human contact and sweet butterfly kisses. I drive a huge black monster (Armada) named "Kunta" 'cause he's big and black (don't worry I'm not racist). I value truth, honesty, genuineness, sincerity, and most importantly, PASSION as much as my soul, and anyone else's, for that matter. I love workin' out, tennis, bball, running, swim, I'm a huge health freak, I do musak (play, write, and listen), the unofficial "Prince of R&B," dance and LOVE THE CLUBBIN, hangin' out with friends, POLITICS, goin to uber-expensive upscale restaurants and ordering the most expensive dish from each selection because I am THAT sinfully pretentious, furthering human life, snow, the beach, working with the American Cancer Society (call toll free: 1-800-ACS-2345 to find out how you can, too!), intellectual masturbation (philosophy) particularly involving Sophocles or Confucius, searching for the meaning of life, novel-writing, love-poem reciting, being proven wrong, AIM away message love poem compiling, movies - including the kid films, PEOPLE, intense uphill running, 2-hour power napping, 5-meal-a-day chow-downin, etc.
I love to have a good time in every sense of the phrase so message me and we can talky talky, dance a jig, dance on the flo, go and flow, or.........
SN: O0BING0O...but I way prefer talkin in person
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