RÉB€£ §tª®R profile picture

RÉB€£ §tª®R

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I STAND FIRMLY BY VENDETTA!! **Each of us represents a star in the sky. Sometimes we shine with the rest, sometimes we twinkle alone, and sometimes when we least expect it we fall and make someone's dreams come true.** to share a bit of info about myself with you..I am originaly from Puerto Rico...the beautiful island. I love anything water related, I love dancing and am going to persue that as soon as i get back home, I love any form of art, be it written, drawn, painted, performed, sung, composed...etc...you get the picture I think. Art has been a fluent language for me as well as my salvation throughout my life. Like you I think that every day I wake up is a challenge, there are risks to take and adventures to live, It is upon us to take them up and blast it up to their full potential. Experience....wow..experience...there is so much to say about it. I've had my share of heavy hardcore experiences, and as always growing...in pain..because growing means change, evolution, leaving old traits behind to learn new ones, relearning the way that you relate with others and live in your habitat. I am waking up to reality seen that me being a pisces I am a dreamer and live in a dream world...although not anymore...I have had many a rude awakenings. Every day I become a little bit smarter, more savy, stronger, better, fit for survival still believing in acheiving UTOPIA! Life is a beautiful thing if you milk it for what it's worth. I love stars they inspire a sense of home for me everytime I look up to the skies. I love chocolatey stuff, I love living, I love new experiences, change. I want to be one of these ppl that when turning senior...has a whole library of life stories to tell to whom ever will listen because I lived, I dove over the edge, I screwed up and fell but i stood back up to keep on fighting. I want to be fullfilled and have that feeling of completion and success...not money...no..SUCCESS! I want to live being able to cover my basic necesities but never living in a pool of luxury...because it's easy to lose yourself when you have EVERYTHING you've ever wanted, you have nothing else to fight for, you think you have achieved everything in your life and it loses excitement. I'm a great friend, a great listener and somewhat a bitch! I'm not afraid to set people straight when they are being dicks or unappreciative of life. I am a firm believer in Karma and the ripple effect. I welcome evryone into my life but only few get to stay. If you are not constructive, positive, real, and up for a challenge chances are...I'll loose interest. Get my attention...and you will have gained a friend.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

THIS IS EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEAMLY IMPORTANT!!! I tend to check profiles before i add ppl so if your profile doesn't say a whole heck of alot about you, im not adding you! If you don't leave some kind of message along with your friend request, Im not adding you! If I plain and simply dont like what i see or dont think we'd have anything in common....IM NOT ADDING YOU! I dont need models on my page...i need to expand my horizons!! Meet....jej...I really want to meet the people who made the first discoveries of their times. I want to meet all the revolutionaries who suffered so that we could have the mental and spiritual freedom we can enjoy today. FInd out what gave them the drive and persistance to keep on fighting. I want to meet people of the year 3,000 and see if its really worth living...or if there even is life.


V for Vendetta, Requiem for a Dream, KIDS,City of Angles, Kate & Leopold, The Notebook, Kill Bill, Peter Pan, Lil Mermaid, Raising Helen, Liar Liar, y un cajonal mas...... Mostly romanitc out of the realm of possibility type of movie...HATE SCIFI THOUGH!


Any book comming from: Laura Esquivel, Pablo Neruda, Gabriel Garcia Marques, Isabel Allende, Paulo Coelho. Ganandome la vida como artista, artesano trato de honorar mi oficio con el maximo de mis esfuerzos sea cual sea el tipo de trabajo envuelto. Un sello, una illustracion, o una idea para grabar o pintar. Todo lo que ocurre en nuestros alrededores vale la pena mirarlo. Estos son nuestros tiempos. Vivimos una sociedad donde el comercialismo y la deshumanizacion corren rampantes, creando una confusion de valores y mediocridad. Y, sin embargo, como dijo Eric Geill..."Es el artista el unico trabajador de responsabilidad que queda, el unico trabajador cuyo poder de seleccion es efectivo en la obra hecha con sus manos".

My Blog

pa los ke no sabian algo de rebel starr...

DETESTO a la gente LAMBE BOLAS y a la gente MAMONA! In other words...I hate people that blow smoke up my ass to get whatever from me. FUCK OFF! that is all. ...
Posted by RÉB¬£ §tª®R on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 11:23:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-alikes

Posted by RÉB¬£ §tª®R on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 11:53:00 PST

How My New Year started

Hi everyone! I've been lost in Miami space because I just moved to my new apartment in Bay Harbor Island, I have no cable, no internet ( EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKK... I know!) and...
Posted by RÉB¬£ §tª®R on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 07:47:00 PST

My tattoos made it on the official O.S. killers website!!

My tattoos made it on the official O.S. Killer's website...go and check em out and show some love for my birds!!! They are on the last non square slide show! The artist was FIBS!! MAD LOVE TO THE MAN!...
Posted by RÉB¬£ §tª®R on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 05:43:00 PST

Someone else's dream

I'm living someone else's relationshipI'm living someone else's dreamfor so long I swore they were my ownbut now I see things repeat with you.Your words sounded so sweet and real to meI thought you we...
Posted by RÉB¬£ §tª®R on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 09:42:00 PST

I'll tell you what's wrong

It's not when you wrote it.....It's what you wrote, and how you wrote it,and how you took the sweet time to make a special file for it in you computer and in your heart as well as hers.It's how you ta...
Posted by RÉB¬£ §tª®R on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 09:23:00 PST


Posted by RÉB¬£ §tª®R on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 09:42:00 PST

Goodbye letter

This is something I don't know how to begin. Non the less its something i must do and get off my chest. Dad, I am leaving for Miami, I am starting a new journey, I am taking a risk and starting a new...
Posted by RÉB¬£ §tª®R on Tue, 09 May 2006 06:38:00 PST


No hay nada,no hay hoyno hay manana.Las horas se pasan y yo te espero,te espero pero nunca llegas.Te fuiste pero te quedas.Te dejo pero me aguantasme matas me revives.Me amas, me chingas, me dejas.Te ...
Posted by RÉB¬£ §tª®R on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 12:04:00 PST

Chikita d'entiendo de te d'Ahora

Ahora te entiendo chiquita cuando reias y gozabas de la compania de tu padre.Ahora entiendo cuando lo besabas y lo abrazabas desesperadamente,cuando te quedabas horas mirandolo hacer tonterias.Ahora e...
Posted by RÉB¬£ §tª®R on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 04:56:00 PST