all things trekky and steve irwin. the seaside, drinking really nice whiskey and not working the next day, pollinated stuff and shopping. all very relaxing. oh yeah..and sci fi
all kinds of everything....the HOFF(the early german years), william shatner talky albums(his version of lucy in the sky is genius), bon jovi "wanted dead or alive" is a particular favourite. sometimes i quite like rock and roll with a good dose of hard core candy
spaceballs, airplane, revenge of the nerds, ferris buellers day off, the goonies, the lost boys, stand by me, beetlejuice, caddyshack, l all the gostbusters, bac to the futures, terminator, any 80's comedy that tom hanks is in, star wars, indiana's, . ok basically anything from the 80's( think i need to get out more) they are all classics tho
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all things trekky and steve irwinCHECK OUT THIS OUT. ITS MY NEW FAV TV SHOW
mainly SciFi but i will read mostly anything.. fave authors are arthur c. clarke, isaac asimov,george orwell, hg wells, frank herbert,ray bradbury,jules verne,tolkien, cs lewis blah blah blah all the grandaaaaddys. also love will gibson, phillip pullman,douglas adams, phillip k dick(who i am havin a re...obsession with at the mo)ursela le guin, greg bear, neil gaimen,scot lynch,alaister reynolds blah blah blah blah.and thats the cliches.. last great book was scarnight ,alan campbell.weird ok enough scifi...check out 1421, the year china discovered the world.gavin menzies. brill . historical. jeepers better stop while im ahead
captain picard and steve irwin