Richard - AKA - Snakeeyes profile picture

Richard - AKA - Snakeeyes


About Me

Well what can I say I'm basically a fun loving person. Movies, Hanging out with friends and I really like meeting new people. I enjoy life and try to have everyone around me enjoy life to. I can't say I have had a great life but I can sure say I tried and where I failed I got back in the saddle and moved forward. What's the saying life is to short well I think it's way to short. I'm easy going and take people at face value. I really like clubbing and parties its the one thing that has kept my interest needless to say along with that is the hangovers the next day but its all good I meet great people and sometimes good friends which is what its all about. Never say never and the world is in chaos but you have the choice to have fun and make life yours. So don't be shy! Now Who's Up for some cold ones....cheers!! Live fast forget die young everything is bad for you these days, so indulge yourself alittle enjoy the moments in life cause when there gone there gone! My nickname is Snakeeyes owing to the fact that a great majority of my pets were snakes. I'm from Canada (Edmonton Lets hear it for the Oilers Oh yeah!), originally but lived on the island of Trinidad for 19years, geez we partied alot there. Now I call Australia home and I like it here the people are wonderful and the coasts are really great not to mention the fishing! The Aussies have it made here a true paradise. I am in to my car as I guess all guys are but hats off to Subaru for the stunning performance of the Impreza STI, what a fantastic car!
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My Interests

Snakes all types. Beers Rally cars.

I'd like to meet:

Glitter GraphicsWell i'm an open person so anyone.
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Horror, science fiction.

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Smallville, South Park


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My Blog

What's your favorite desire?

Desires come in many different forms, lets see just how much our desires differ from person to person. Open up and lets get some discussion going. You could use fantasies, goals or whatever you had yo...
Posted by Richard - AKA - Snakeeyes on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 12:01:00 PST