[I'm No] Cinderella profile picture

[I'm No] Cinderella

Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the spaces between the notes and curl my back to loneliness

About Me

I'm Elizabeth....I know who I am....and where I'm going...and if you don't like it...thats your problem. Alot of the time I feel like I don't exsist to the people that matter most to me....I feel like I'm left on the backburner alot....but I'm changing that. For the people that could give two shits about me...go fuck yourself....Im not gunna sit here and watch you live your life....I'm gunna live mine too. And for those of you who actually DO care...at some point you won't and thats ok....shit happens and we all move on.I like music alot....I find that music and lyrics express what I feel more than what I can...hence the reason why they're all over my body....for ever.I love being pierced and tattooed. And I have been grateful enough to learn how to pierce....I'm the piercing appertince down at Sacred Images...come visit me and get a hole....I also do a radio show on KGLT 91.9 Bozeman (or kglt.net) every other friday morning from 9-11 am....who knows what I'll play....sometimes its screamo....others its hardcore....and other times its metal...it depends on my mood....tune in.
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My Interests

Honesty, Music, Friends, Body Modification, Skateboarding, Bass, and synths

I'd like to meet:

others that enjoy body mods....someone that will let me put a hole in their body....and I MAY BE CINDERELLA DOUG....BUT THERES NO FUCKING PRINCE IN THE END.


Norma Jean, As I Lay Dying, Silverstein, Shiny Toy Guns, Armor for Sleep, The Descendents, The Postal Service, Job For A Cowboy, Leftover Crack, Bad Religion, As Cities Burn, Gym Class Heros, Dr. Dre, The Devil Wears Prada, Op Ivy....just to name a few....MUSIC IS MY LIFE....nothing will change that....I'm pretty open about it....lets chat:D


Pretty much anything that can make me laugh...I like to laugh...




heartbreaking work of a staggering genius, wallflower, revolution on canvas, post secrets 1 & 2, catcher in the rye...ha this funny book called Everybody Hurts...bahahahaha


heros are only to disappoint.

My Blog

Love can only hurt so much....

"One can only say so much to try and fill a void that cant be filled. One can only care so much about someone until their heart hurts."Well...my heart hurts....and I'm sick of caring, sick of making e...
Posted by ::Put Me In Your Past...Lay the Memories to Rest:: on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 04:46:00 PST

I dont understand....

how some people can be so vain. I mean one of my best guy friends has been datin this chic for like 6 months....and shes cheated on him prolly around 4 times...I MEAN SERIOUSLY....why would you want ...
Posted by ::Put Me In Your Past...Lay the Memories to Rest:: on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 03:16:00 PST