Pagan Warrior profile picture

Pagan Warrior

!!!Wotan Mit Uns!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Absurd, Anchoret, Ancient Rune, Antisemitex, Arkona, Arkona (pagan), Aryan Honour, Aryan Kampf 88, Aryan Triumph, Aryanas, Blut, Blutaar, Branikald, Capricornus, Command, Darkthule, Der Dunkel Einsatz Kommando, Der Stürmer, Eisenwinter, Forest, Gestapo SS, Grafvolluth, Gontyna Kry, Hakenkreuzzug, Kroda, L.S.S.A.H., Locomotiva, M8L8TH, Mjölnir, Nacht und Nebel, Nokturmal Mortum, Nordkampf, Oak, Odal Rune, Opfer Rassenhass, Pagan Warrior 88, Ogneslav, Quisling, Rodovest, S.A.R., Sacrificia Mortuorum, Sieg, Sombre Chemin, Sonnenkreuz, SS Mann, Swastika, Temnojar, Temnozor, Thor's Hammer, Totenburg, V.A.C.K., Vargleide, Velimor, Volhv, Volkolak, Waffen SS, War 88, Warhead, Winter Funeral, Winterfrost, Wotanorden, Xenophobia.

Satan Rides the Media (the escene of the norwegian satanic Black Metal)Satan Rides the Media (Part #1)

Satan Rides the Media (Part #2)

Satan Rides the Media (Part #3)

Satan Rides the Media (Part #4)

Satan Rides the Media (Part #5)






All the Friedrich Nietzsche bibliography.


I don't have heroes.