Gummy Bear Dance 2
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I luv all kinds of music so name a band and ive probably heard of them and if not ill look them up and at least listen to them before i tell you i dont like them... type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://../images/.." height="350" width="425" ..
I am big on movies so pretty much everytime a new movie comes out i go see it.
I dont watch much tv
I would have to say that my favorite book of all time is The Big Bad Wolf by James Paterson. Some other good ones thogh are Angels and Demons and the Davinci Code, The five people you meat in heaven, and a book that will make you see life in a hole new perspective ANTHEM by Ayn Rand
I dont really have any heroes but i look up to my older brother alot no matter what kinda trouble he has ever gotten in he always finds his way out but he always takes responsibility for what he has done. He has shown me everything an older brother should have shown his younger brother and in doing so it has helped me become who i am today so i thank him and commend him for everything he has done.