Rhett Frazier Inc. profile picture

Rhett Frazier Inc.

new balls coming soon

About Me

At RF Inc., our sound is a premium blend of _____ and _____. Each of these items were created by our R&D Department (U.S. Patent No.27554298). For Further information on RF Inc's Sound Products, please send correspondence to RF Inc. ____ Drive, _____, USA for a free 2007 Product catalog.Important: Rhett Frazier Inc does not keep the comments of prostitutes, poseurs, or hustlers on their page in order to manufacture buzz, but it was great seeing you that one time and we did sound great.

My Interests


Member Since: 9/14/2006
Band Website: rhettfrazier.com
Band Members: Rhett Frazier, Donny Gruendler, Christian Lundberg
Influences: When Justin Timberlake plugs in his night light when he goes to bed, he prays Rhett Frazier Inc. isn't hiding in his closet.//Behind Rhett Frazier Inc.'s drum kit is another fist.//There is no composition theory, only a list of compositions Rhett Frazier Inc. allows to be written.//Rhett Frazier Inc. shot Little Walter dead by mistake in 1958- they were aiming for Leonard Chess.//Rhett Frazier Inc. beat Sly Stallone in arm wrestling in Over The Top. It was edited out because Rhett Frazier Inc. is too scary for film.//Rhett Frazier Inc. is the one man that was tired of Monica Belluci's shit.//Rhett Frazier Inc. once got in a battle of the bands with Chuck Berry. The bet was the loser had to do the Duck Walk.//Blowfeld quit S.P.E.C.T.R.E. for a slight pay raise with Rhett Frazier Inc. and a handful of blue chip stock options.//Rhett Frazier Inc. drinks lava with a touch of vermouth and a slice of onion.//Miles Davis took karate lessons from Rhett Frazier Inc.//To purchase RF Inc on Itunes - please follow this link ..
Sounds Like: At Rhett Frazier Inc., the discipline, arrogance, loyalty, introspection, spirituality, precision, artistry, over-indulgence, purity, individuality, conceit, recklessness, decadence, madness, unflinching integrity, and philosophical adventurism by which we conduct ourselves manifests itself in every ______ we make. Our exacting performance standards are renowned the world over and will make your ______ing experience one of transcendental emotion and power. When you purchase your first ______ from us you’ll know the infinite possibilities first hand, and the irrational passion that went into each Rhett Frazier Inc product. Is Rhett Frazier Inc for everyone? Well, its for everyone that is ready to use a ______ along with our patented _______ (part no. X34RF000) Try ____ yourself.See more from SoundeliciousSee more from Soundelicious

Record Label: DG Worldwide
Type of Label: Major

My Blog


In late 1983, Rhett Frazier Inc. convinced Barack Obama to quit calling himself "Barry". He is now on the verge of becoming President of the United States.
Posted by Rhett Frazier Inc. on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 02:06:00 PST

More Facts

Larry Graham borrowed a yacht and an admiral's uniform from Rhett Frazier Inc. in 1973. He still hasn't returned the cap.In 1982, Rhett Frazier Inc. told Prince he looked masculine in purple.Rhett Fra...
Posted by Rhett Frazier Inc. on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 03:15:00 PST

Rhett Frazier Inc. Facts

Behind Rhett Frazier Inc.'s drum kit is another fist. There is no composition theory, only a list of compositions Rhett Frazier Inc. allows to be written. Rhett Frazier Inc. shot Little Walter dead by...
Posted by Rhett Frazier Inc. on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 08:53:00 PST

Rhett Frazier Inc on iTunes

Thank you for choosing Rhett Frazier Inc. Our 2007 Product Catalog is now available on iTunes. If you haven't got a _____ yet, or if you just want to get ____ed one more time, now is the per...
Posted by Rhett Frazier Inc. on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 08:50:00 PST