Sequoyahs Buffet Food,Commoditie Cheese & Meat,Buffets, Comfortable Couches, Biscuit & Sausag Gravy Eating Contest, Annual Summit Sound Off,Hot links,Pork Chop Sandwiches, Fried Chicken w/chicken grease gravy just ask and I'll tell.
Jesus,He saved my life when I came to a tough crossroad in my life.He also helped Gilligan get off the island!My Native Fam from all over & other nationalities so I can show them what's up with good beans & grease.
I like mostly like listening to someone who can play some mean spoons or the kazoo w/some bottle blowing.Currently, I'm learning how to Beat Box,Finger Snapping & clogging at the same time, Also being in my mom's old Escort bumping anything!!!!!!!!
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Cooking with Commodities,How to bake & boil bologna,Great Spam Chefs of the Midwest,200 recipes for beans, Making your Gravy Thick, Self-Help books,Bible NIV,Great Chiefs Time Life, Prison Writings,College Football,Runners Mag,The Art of Making Bologna and Cheese Sandwiches,Wisdom Daughters,
Jesus Christ my Lord & Savior,Lard Inventor,Crisco Maker,Kamala the Ugandan Warrior,Takeru Kobayashi(Hot Dog Eating Champion),Rocky & Apollo,