*GimP-BoY-MaGiC* profile picture


Call me Pimpin cuz these Hoes are all in my Business

About Me

*GimP-BoY-MaGiC* FUCK YOU J, you know who you are!!!

Page done by: J*Moss S.E. Boys

My Interests

Your Porn Star Name Is...

What's Your Porn Star Name?

I'd like to meet:

Elvis, Tupac, n Biggie
wHaT'z yA fAv ..

Beverage (non-alc) ? Coke
Beverage (alc) ? Captain
Color ? light green
Food ? Shrimp
Item of clothing ? shoes r the key
Meal of the day ? dinner
Feature on yourself ? ..prrly my gear
Quality in a guy/girl ? theirs alot of buetiful girls so i gotta say the personality stands out the most
Phrase ? fill da blunt up
Song ? too many
Musical Artist/Band ? too many
Sport ? im too fragile
Movie ? Pulp Fiction
TV Show ? ??? tv kinda sucks now adays, wht ever happened to shows like saved by the bell. (n u knw tht u watched tht shyt)
Radio Station ? fuck fort wayne radio they only have like 5 songs
Type of Chocolate ? caremel?
Eye Color ? ???
d0 yA/hAv3 yA 3v3r ..
Have any pets ? nope they all died
Smoke ? not ciggarettes
Drink ? on occasion
Have any piercings ? jus my ears
Have any tatoos ? no
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend i hope not
Had sex ? ..I mean, I try
Gone streaking ? yea but not by choice.. long story u should ask me sumtime
Gone skinny dipping ? no its gets cold in ill b wet, i will if i have to though
Been to Europe ? hell yea craziest time ull prrly ever have
Been to an island ? hell yea watchu knw about Ibiza, fuck a Cancun
Had stitches ? yep
Broken any bones ? yea a couple
Been stabbed/shot ? hell no
Slept until after 12:00 ? yeah its not nothin special
Stayed up all night ? yea
Danced like a whore ? I try
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? its always good to set goals
Turned down a dare ? yea people or OC wit that shyt
wHiCh fRi3nD ..
Is the funniest ? Schmidt
Is the prettiest ? all ma gurls are pretty
Is the most handsom ? mutha fuckin Pat
Is the loudest ? tht nigga Schmidt
Is the craziest ? Schmidt again
Is the most shy ? all my guys r pimps so i wouldnt say ne 1 is shy
Is the most loving ? we all got love 4 eachother
Is the most understanding ? ummm i couldnt say were all pretty cool bout sht though
Is the most boring ? we dont hang wit boring ppl
Is the richest ? that nigga Ben, i mean sum ppls parents have more money but hes ballin on his own
Is the most athletic ? J-Young
Is the most cocky ? Schoch
Is the biggest sex icon ? prrly Pats bitch ass
Is the most wordly/cultured ? Me im the only one thts been out the states
Do you look up to the most ? Ben, hes the tallest
Do you tell everything to ? I cant tell ne one evry thing
Has the best clothes ? i would say myself but ill pass the thnrone to either schoch or pat
Has the best house ? Damn they all kinda suck. Ill give tht to B-Nevil
Would you ever ..
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? prrly
Kiss someone of the same sex ? naw thts tht american pie shyt
Cheat on someone you love ? Shyt happens I couldnt say
Run away from home ? nope
Lie to your parents ? who hasnt, really?
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? who hasnt?
Lie to your best friend ? naw theirs no need unless u broke sumthin
Give a homeless person money ? yep
Run from the police ? ive tried wasnt really successful
Bungee jump ? yea
Sky dive ? we'll c how the bungee jumping goes first
Cross dress ? naw
Be an exotic dancer ? yea they get paid
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? nope
Scuba dive ? yep
Go rock climbing ? yep
Go spulunking (caving) ? hell no have u seen the Decent
wHaT d0 yA tHiNk 0f Wh3n yA h3aR ..
Eminem ? the rapper
Bologna ? cheese
Hott ? my self
Orange ?
Real world ? sux, i dont ever wanna grow old
Fuck ? it
Jack ? off?
Cucumber ? sumthin gay
Hip-Hop ? dance
Uniform ? acjc
UniCORN ! ? sumthin gay
Rainbow ? sumthin gay
Clown ? all my boys


Which Half-Baked Character are you (With Pix)

You're a funny person and like to have a good time and laugh a lot. But, you're a little brain dead and could definatly use some help.


I like any thing from Jay-z and Kanye West to Dave Matthews and Jack Johnson


The all time greatest movie is Pulp Fiction


ESPN n wht evers good


Harry Potter


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