"Life only becomes more beautiful when it appears fucked up most of the time! In the beginning, it's filled with puzzle pieces scattered around you. When you reach a breaking point, it's up to you to decide whether or not those pieces form together to become your own masterpiece. TWiSTED, but I fucken love every moment of it! Life....it's s0o0 beautiful...What more is there to say?"--Syna quotes on her Rollercoaster in Life*Just ME posin' with my CLOSE FRIENDS & FAMILY! CHEESE BABIES*---Unselfish deeds were never meant to be understood through those two eyes...Sometimes the best way for someone to learn is just to let them go...:.HATERS! Brush it OFF...JUST Dust it OFF.:
:..I'LL BUST in your face then CUSS it OFF...:
~*I'll SPIT it, and SHIT it! YO Just Quit it! Admit THIS! YOU can't HIT it!*~
Instant Message Me (that's if I'm ever on) ...TheexPreciousx1...
"Don't start no SHIT there won't be no SHIT!" Just brush da haters Off! Trouble comes to ME, YET I'M DRAMA FREE!
I'm a FULL TIME COLLEGE STUDENT at CALIFORNIA STATE UNiVERSITY of LONG BEACH. At the moment, I'm taking extra courses at CSULB and extra classes at LBCC, too. I'VE BEEN STRONG AND INDEPENDENT EVER SINCE I WAS YOUNG. I LIVE ON MY OWN WITH TWO ROOMMATES, I PAY MY OWN BILLS AND I DON'T DEPEND ON ANYONE ELSE BUT MYSELF. Now WHO EVER SAID YOU CAN'T BE HARDCORE AND SMART AT THE SAME TIME MUST NOT HAVE MET ME YET...half hood slash nerd-- I chill in the hood, I'm too high maintenance; I chill with the nerds, I'm too ghetto. Either way I lose, so accept the truth. This "is" ME. I may look DUMB, but don't let my looks fool you. Instead, I'm an intellectual 19 year old CAMBODIAN chick with her MIND RIGHT and still in the process of growing WISER and WISER each and every DAY. So watch out now! I'm a MEMBER of HXT. I'm ONLY down to ride til the bloody end with my REAL homies. So you FUCK with them, YOU BASICALLY FUCK WITH WITH ME. IF THERE'S ONE THING I HATE THE MOST, I CAN'T STAND LYING-TWO FACED BITCHES. I don't like to SNAP, but it happens often cuz BITCHES BE ACTING UP. I ain't the type to TALK shit, but I do become a BITCH at times ONLY TO STRANGERS WHO GETS ON MY BAD SIDE...OTHERWISE I'm DOPE ASS FUCK once you get to know me. And those who know me, Ya'LL know wassupp...I'll just FLICK shit off, handle it THEN smile the next day like the goofball that I am! Not only that, but it TAKES A LOT TO ACTUALLY PISS ME OFF. If you don't like it. Then FUCK you, SCREW you, and DO you niggah! I easily get frustrated and tend to express my emotions by fighting a lot when people don't know when to shut the fuck up. I know it's STUPID but I grew up like this so you can't blame me (shruggs). Sometimes, I'll be the bigger person, brush it off and let it slide, but at times people love pushing it and that's when my fist comes flying. Honestly, I REALLY don't give a fuck about what people "THINK" about me anymore BECAUSE I know who I am. PEOPLE LOVE TO TALK SHIT BUT NEVER TAKE THE TIME TO UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH, AND THERE'S NO NEED FOR EXPLANATION CUZ I found myself, have you? I won't judge you, so why take your time to criticize me behind my back? Cuz all da hatin' you do and all the rumors you spread will only flatter me more, so get the fuck off my nuts. You do whatcha do and I do me! I always get myself involved into shit that doesn't even have anything to do with me, but I still step up anyway because it's fucked up how most people take little people for granted. Gyeah! I know it's none of my business, but that's just how I am; THIS is ME! I can't help it cuz I grew up with it all my life. For dayum sure! I know I ain't gonna be standing around watching shit happen. When bad shit comes my way, I'm not afraid to handle it. And sometimes, I hate when that side of me comes out, cuz honestly I do not like drama for shit. Some people just need to grow the fuck up AND LIVE THEIR OWN LIVES, instead of consuming their time trying to ruin mine. I rarely question why I am the way I am, but I figured out that the past experiences we all go through in life makes us who we are today. I do try to change it better for myself and those I love, but I sacrificed soo much out of life that it just takes complete control over me. I believe it's true with me that, "IN EVERY SINGLE BITCH, there's a reason behind it all that explains why she is the way she is." And everybody whose gone through a major point of stress knows what the fuck I'm talking about. So there you have it, I pretty much "LIVED" a fucked up life (thass all you gotta know), but I'm still here living each day as it passes by CUZ ain't nobody gonna do it for you but yourself! I don't live life complaining about shit because later down the road, you'll regret it with major disappointment. If I can't change what I did back in the past, at least I'm making a difference to change what's happening in my life right now. If anything, I LOVE my life right now, (FINALLY)! It just took me awhile to figure out how beautiful life truly is. Now, there's nothing in life I cannot handle. I'm usually prepared for most things that come my way, so if you want to crush my world...Think twice cuz you might just get something more than just a splinter...I work 10 times harder just like everyone else holding a grasp on their hands. I actually hit rock bottom (the deepest core of it) a couple times to FINALLY get where I am today. I tell myself often, "DON'T JUST "SAY" YOU'LL DO SHIT IF YOU DON'T DO IT. GET YOUR ASS UP OFF THE BED AND DO SOMETHING TO PROVE THAT YOU CHANGED FOR THE BETTER CUZ AIN'T NOBODY GONNA BELIEVE YOU UNLESS YOU "SHOW" IT! ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. MOREOVER, THINK DEEPLY BEFORE YOU SPEAK. THEN, TAKE ACTION UPON IT BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T, SHIT CAN ONLY GET WORST." To sum it up, I ain't I afraid of death, but I am afraid of.....ha ha so I'll leave you thinking with that note. Well, I don't like to take shit for granted and I don't bow down to ANYBODY! I'd appreciate it if all the ladies out there can do the same thing. I take shit when it comes at me and handle it either in a positive or negative manner, depending on the situation. Last note (REAL TALK): IF YOU CAN'T GET ALONG WITH ME, SOMETHING IS DEFINITELY WRONG WITH YOU!The Basic Facts :
"Been OFFICIALLY talking to the SAME special individual for quite a LONG time (literally) and NOW his patience has paid off GENUINELY! Sorry fellas! I'm FINALLY taken by my BOYFRIEND SANTIPONG ROJANASOPONDIST" Though I'm TAKEN, I still BELONG to MYSELF... =)
Otherwise, don't want a NIGGA...
Don't need one...CUZ I GOT MYSELF A KEEPER
~* Basic Quad Double Wun on me*~...I may not be the FINEST chick to pick, or even the PRETTIEST girl in the world, but I KNOW I AM a BEAUTIFUL LADY INSIDE and OUT without a doubt...
NOT your AVERAGE-TYPICAL teenager, (ya'll should know that by now)!
Known as the "Ghetto Intellect"...Get it STR8 yo!....
Working hard in school on the weekdays and party 'til I drop with MY TRUE homies on the weekendz
My Own Thoughtful Words TO EVERYONE!
First of all, don't try to criticize me on how I appear to look. YEAH, I SMOKE. AND YES, I DRINK! SO WHAT? Get to know me first before JUDGING me. Take time to understand my perspectives before jumping into unreasonable conclusions. If YOU don't have anything positive to say, then PLEASE don't bother wasting my time. Keep in mind: Looks are decieving. How u appear to look on the outside is only a phase of attraction...The beauty lies only deep within yourself...
NUMBER 1 important issue Stated!I don't need ANY nikka to make me happy...I'm independent on my own, BUT sometimes I just dun't get nikkas...They'll come into a girl's life, then cherish it for awhile...She'll grow to love him...Then he fucks up! She still stands by his side even through his mistakes to help him learn...Then he fucks up! When something big actually happens and she finally tries to point out what he's been doing to hurt her, he's indenial and puts the blame on her while he chokes her...So that's fucked up...She tried to tell her family and his friends, but they're on his side because they don't believe he's like that. So it's all FUCKED up. But even after all that time, she still STOOD by his side through all his lies and broken promises because she's stupid enough to believe that he can change for the better. Now, she's fucked up cuz she should have left a long time ago and realize that love doesn't hurt like this. Then when she tries to finally leave him and they argue, he HITS HER again repeatedly after she told him to stop...NOW he's really F**ked up and it's really over. The sad part about this is, she still wanted to be with him after all that shit, but she had to let him go cuz she knew that was the only way for him to learn. With, or without her, this nigga still doesn't realize that he lost the best girl he ever had. Now there goes another broken heart. Maybe now, you'll see how much pain you've been conflicting throo those tears he left behind. Tears that are not even worth crying for, but yet you're shedding them like there's no tomorrow...Maybe...just maybe one day, I'll wake up and realize that I've created a flow of tears...That the only thing I've ever longed for in my life was never there in the first place...it's g0ne...
TO THE FELLAZ:--- If u's a true nikka I give you madd love, because true nikkahz find themselves a lady. While male DoGGs find themselves SHi*ting out all the FeMaLe DoGGs and hoes...F**K the BS nukkas! JUST Keep it real YO!
To the LADIES:--- Everything takes time and patience, and if your nigga ain't got that! Then let that nigga GO. Check DIS--By Me YO! Don't BE CLAIMING! Read MY shit, BUT write your OWN shit NUKKA! Written real quick for those who has a hard time moving on in life, LIKE ME.
LIFE: IT GOES ONIt'll keep on turnin
ashes to ashes and dust to dirt
it will keep on burning
when life gets hard
just keep on churning
get ur mind untide
and u'll get those earnings
u'll get ur pride
if you keep on learning
Too LAZY to FIX more SHIT UP. IF you want to know more about me, just hit up my xanga. There are plenty of poems that I wrote in there ABOUT MY LIFE for ya'll to READ if you're in the mood for DEPRESSION: