Im kinda interested in everything, i go through odd stages of wanting to learn diffrernt things or go ne places.
EVERYONE!!!!or someone who looks like me, as whenever i talk to people they always seem to kmow somone who looks like me!!! very odd!
indie, rock most music really
thrillers, action an rom com... top sad film "a little princess" oh my gosh it would make the toughest of us all cry!!!
me i work on bang babes channel 915 check it out. haha simpsons, soputhpark and comedy's, love anything that can make me laugh
dan brown, colour by numbers hehe. love my mags tho..
myself!! na really, people who make a difference in life, it could be a randon person, non celeb as long as they have achived or changed something for the better.Also my best mate steve.. he's great in everyway.. love him to bits xx