Favourites: (all with male front men)
Breaking Benjamin, Linkin Park, Nirvana, The Mitch Hansen Band, Shitdisco, Hadouken!'s old songs, Debussy, Stephenie Meyer's playlists and songs that sound like a bad road trip from the 90s :3
Juno, St Trinians
Twilight: 12.12.08
Heroes: 9pm Thursday BBC!
Doctor Who: 6.20pm Saturday BBC!
Supernatural, Friends, Kerrang! radio in the morning and The Big Bang Theory
Books are my drug; they bring me away from reality and are the only places where anything goes. They've become my best friend over the past month or so. My new favourite place to go is the library; the librarian no longer minds me humming classical music, she's gotten used to it. I could sit in a library all day if I could :)
My Dad and Josh
Jason Blagden, Judith Blagden, Diane Blagden, Josh Blagden, Angry Nan, Fake Nan & Grandad:
A) because they're my family
B) because our retarded last name gets a squiggly red line
Vicky Hill, April Newman, Laura McKenzie, Leigh Barton, Jenni Birks, Jessica Weaver, Jessica Guillot, Liam Walker, Liam Peacock, Jade Armstrong, Darnii Barlow, Sarah Murphy, Hal Black, Patrick Dore, Amber Gill, Sam Murphy and Amy Gough:
A) because they've all been my best friend at some point
B) because they're all cool-tards who don't get lines
C) because even if they're not, the jokes are still there
Sam Murphy, Hal Black, Darnii Barlow, Trixx Dore and Jonny Gilbert:
A) because they were the relationships I remember fondly
B) because they're cool, simple as