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David Edelen

< Look at my new book!!

About Me

Hello, I am David Middleton Edelen II, and I am 51 yrs old, and am married with two children, Jacob and Travis Edelen. I grew up in Prattville, Al.. In 1972 at the end of High School, during the Viet Nam war, joined the U.S. Army, then got out and joined the U.S.M.C..After that I traveled for a number of years in the construction trade, worked off shore on 100' boats for two years, drove trucks, worked in factories, etc.. Have been a Correctional Officer in Alabama for 13 years now, since 1993, the year I got married.Recently published my first book through Publish America Inc., MORE GHOSTS AND EERIE TALES OF ALABAMA; True Tales of the Supernatural and the Unexplained! www.publishamerica.com/books/8363 ...

My Interests

Traveling, hunting, nature, history, ancient history, reenacting and living history, guns, warfare, family, reading, writing, etc.

I'd like to meet:

Some old time actors, especially actors in westerns, most of whom are dead now. Clint Eastwood, Matt Dillon, etc.Also, some authors such as Louis LaMour, Robert E. Howard, etc.(both are dead now).Anyone who served with my dad, Francis Clifford "Buddy" Edelen in WWII and Korean wars. He was in the 10th Mtn Div in WWII and was a Plt. Sgt. in Co. "G", 2/23 Inf. Regt., 2nd Infantry Division in Korea.


I like most types, just depends on what mood I am in. Now that I am getting "long in the tooth" as they say, I tend to listen to radio talkshows more than not.


War movies, westerns, adventure, action, depends on what mood I am in. Sword and Sorcery genre such as 13th Warrior, Conan, Jason and the Argonauts, The Odyssey, etc.


CSI type stuff, Sci-Fi, especially Star Trek, vaiouis old western series, I love documentaries about nature, science, and history.


Historical reference books, historical fiction occasionally, Louis LaMour Westerns, Sword & Sorcery genre such as Conan, Lord of the Rings, etc..


Jesus, King David, VercinGetrix (The Celtic leader who stood against Rome), Hector, the Trojan hero, certain Civil War generals such as Gen. Lee, Gen. Longstreet, Joe Johnston, Nathan Bedford Forrest, etc.., General Patton in WWII, my grandparents and parents, my sons and wife.

My Blog

What's More Ghosts and Eerie Tales of Alabama about?

Posted by David Edelen on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 04:22:00 PST