Cleveland profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

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| View | Add FavoriteAs you can see my name is Cleveland; my parents named me that because I'm brown (a chocolate lab) and my dad used to be a big Cleveland Browns fan (and my parents love football!). My b-day is May 17, 2005, so I'm a Taurus (but I really don't know what that means!). I'm a very happy dog and I love to lick; my dad says I do it "excessively" but I don't know what that means either! So I'm a lover, not a fighter...all dogs are my friends. But I especially like some of the dogs at my favorite dog's on Cleveland Street! My parents say I'm a good looking boy...I sometimes check myself out in the mirror to see what they're talking about, but then I see another dog looking at me and I get confused..oh well. I have a sister kitty that I live with named Gemini...she's okay, but a little prissy...and kind of fat! and I have a brother kitty named Nibbles that lives with my grandma...he's cool but he doesn't play with me either. So some day I hope I have a sister or brother puppy to play with.

My Interests

Swimming, playing with my friends, going to the dog park, the beach, eating, playing with my dad, cuddling with my mommy, sleeping on the top of the couch like a cat, going for walks or runs if my dad can keep up!

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I'd like to meet:

Some hot bitches! Cesar Milan, the Cleveland Browns mascot, my older brother Kahlua (who passed away), my cousin Gus (in CT), Old Yeller and any other dogs or cats that are loved by their humans.
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The Dog Whisperer


Can I eat them?

My Blog

You are tagged!

The first player of this game starts with the five weird habits or things about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own about five odd habits and things they do as well as st...
Posted by Cleveland on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 03:15:00 PST