Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts Click here for Myspace glitter graphics and Myspace layouts
| View | Add FavoriteAs you can see my name is Cleveland; my parents named me that because I'm brown (a chocolate lab) and my dad used to be a big Cleveland Browns fan (and my parents love football!). My b-day is May 17, 2005, so I'm a Taurus (but I really don't know what that means!). I'm a very happy dog and I love to lick; my dad says I do it "excessively" but I don't know what that means either! So I'm a lover, not a fighter...all dogs are my friends. But I especially like some of the dogs at my favorite dog's on Cleveland Street! My parents say I'm a good looking boy...I sometimes check myself out in the mirror to see what they're talking about, but then I see another dog looking at me and I get confused..oh well. I have a sister kitty that I live with named Gemini...she's okay, but a little prissy...and kind of fat! and I have a brother kitty named Nibbles that lives with my grandma...he's cool but he doesn't play with me either. So some day I hope I have a sister or brother puppy to play with.