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Sarah Leigh

"Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught in falsehoods school. And th

About Me

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MUSIC!!! Music is my life! I love dancing, and going to parties. I've came a long way in this journey threw life. Im quite proud of myself. Looking back at where I came from and where I am now is amazing!! I love music, I go with the flow of THE BEAT and do not fight against the current anymore. I try to live everyday like its my last. I want to travel the world and see and experience as much as I can. My dream is to be an inspiration to as many people as I can before I pass to the next dimension, to spread the light, and change the world. You can do anything you can possibly imagine if you just believe in yourself! PLUR = PEACE - LOVE - UNITY - RESPECT

My Interests

People, Music, Beauty, Love, and Life.

I'd like to meet:

People who love electronic music. Foriegners and people from different cultures. Those that are into spirituality & metaphysics. I would like to meet other enlightened minds that I can learn from.


Music is my life! My life has, is, and will continue to revolve around music. I love all music. i enjoy most of it and can appreciate all of it. I really like old school hip-hop, underground hip-hop, 90's alternative, and electronic music. MY SOUL IS HOUSE MUSIC!Deep house, funky house, progressive house. I really like european electro, techno type stuff. Love the eighties, and disco remixes for sure. I like breakbeats too. Not really a trance fan, can't stand happy hardcore. Love meditation music, down tempo and ambient.:)


I really don't watch that many movies anymore. I believe that a lot of stuff out there consists of bad or negative energy which the world has enough of that already. My favorite movie of all time I would have to say is "THe Modern Day - ROMEO & JULIET." The movie that was the biggest inspiration to me was "ITS ALL GONE PETE TONG." I also love the movie "PARTY MONSTER." YOU MUST SEE THE MOVIE "WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW"!!! AND "THE SECRET," THE WORLD WILL LEARN A LOT FROM THESE MOVIES. I am definatly more into music than movies but the film industry is another form of artistic expression in the world so therefore I love it as well.


I do not watch television very often at all. There is so much all around us to see, I do not feel that I need television when I am surrounded by such beauty!


"BEHOLD A PALE HORSE" by William Cooper "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran "Bringers of the Dawn" by Barbara Marciniak "You are a spirtual being having a human experience" by Bob Frissell "Galactic Alignment" by John Major Jenkins "Urban Shaman" by Serge Kahili King "The Dream And The Underworld" by James Hillman



My Blog

Tao Physics

TAO OF PHYSICSFritjof Capra (An explanation of the parallels between modern physics and Eastern mysticism) Preface quote from Carlos Castaneda's "The Teachings of Don Juan":"Any path is only a path a...
Posted by Sarah on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 11:41:00 PST

The Trickster

This blog is dedicated to my one true love, and great spiritual teacher Alejandro. I finally found out what exactly he is, for these past few years I couldn't put it into words, now I can. *The tric...
Posted by Sarah on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 09:36:00 PST


The Ancient AMEN Holy and Sacred Amen! Has anyone wondered where this ancient word came from? What does AMEN mean and why do we use it faithfully in our prayers and hymns? ...
Posted by Sarah on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 08:07:00 PST


I scream out unto this world but no one listens I cry out unto your ears but none of you can hear.   Not one soul hears me call, lying here seemingly invisible to you all. You pass by with such b...
Posted by Sarah on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 04:10:00 PST

Truth Seeker

The seeker after Absolute Truth finds himself in a mansion of indefinite dimension. To proceed in the search, he must hpen the door that leads to the treasure. But lo and behold, upon doing so, he fi...
Posted by Sarah on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 04:12:00 PST


No matter where you are your right where you need to be God never gives you more than what you need to open your eyes & become a more spiritually evolved human being.   There will be times th...
Posted by Sarah on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 05:05:00 PST


Awakening from a long sleep enter into the world as it truley is. Life awaits you in a world unknown meet yourself that you do not know.   Come from sleep and the realm of thought to a real life ...
Posted by Sarah on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 06:49:00 PST

Thoughts and Reality

Quit thy childhood, my friend, and wake up!- Jean-Jacques Rousseau All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force& We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelli...
Posted by Sarah on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 05:56:00 PST

Rave Culture

"The emphasis in house music and rave culture on physiologically compatible rhythms and this sort of thing is really the rediscovery of the art of natural magic with sound, that sound, properly unders...
Posted by Sarah on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 11:49:00 PST


This is just a little something that I wrote the other day and am very proud of it. Has a great message, and those who understand please feel free to leave some comments. ONE- I am infinite and bound...
Posted by Sarah on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 06:49:00 PST