i love.
emotion. philosophy. art. dancing. i have no desire to fill this out right now, lalalala.
lovers. intellectuals. peace makers. those who are lonely. those in need of guidance. tea-drinkers. pot smokers. the ones who still have concience.
ani difranco. sarah maclachlan. tracy chapman. the indigo girls. janis joplin. pj harvey.
john coltrane. billie holiday. ella fitzgerald. dizzy gilespie.
charles ives. verdi. puchini. vivaldi.
elliot smith. damien rice. dave matthews.radiohead.
the shinssimon and garfunkle. peter paul and mary.
i appreciate made for tv movies. i appreciate disney movies. i like to be a critic and i like to be entertained. criticism is entertainment.
ed. the education of max bickford. mst3k. made for tv movies.
asimov, heinlien, palahniuk, emerson, baker, hemingway, sedaris, kesey, thompson