Hafiz profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

that is me.... me name is ABDUL HAFIZ can call me HAFIZ... n me frens call me ATOK... pasal aku ni rambut byk uban... Aku ni agak social kalo aku kenal sapa yg aku layan... Live a simple live with NOT so COLORFUL childhood life which had MADE me more MATURE for a ANAK BONGSU...
Got me GOOD DAYS n BAD DAYS... n DONT MESS WIF ME WHEN IM BAD... but not to worry pasal biasanya aku :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Lain lain tu orang lain ah komen coz diorang lebih nampak aku camana. orang kata aku byk awek??? aish salah tuh.. masih mencari beb... tapi evryone aku layan baik. tu yg korang kata aku byk awek ni... isk isk isk TAK PATUT TAK PATUT


My Interests

music, frens, TECHnologies... n PHONES

I'd like to meet:

anyone who want 2be frens, and FLASH MOVIE fans... PUT UR OWN PICTURE FIRST! :D...n last ly the ONE that i ADMIRE... ;)


not depend on artist!, hip hop, rock,


final fantasy, the fast and the furious, 2fast 2furious, the lion king, twister


satria pedang, CHIP magazine!!!


me DAD n MYSELF....

My Blog

my ACTUAL blog is here~

adei... ada org komen la plak blog cdex kat sini... actually my blog bukan kat sini my blog is kat blogspot... ni link diahttp://cruxidex.blogspot.com ...
Posted by Hafiz on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 07:56:00 PST

A song dedicated FROM the SPECIAL ONE

JoJo - Baby It's You Lyrics Cant somebody explain to me Why everybodys tryin to be Livin like a celebrity Doin what they see on MTV Ice is cool but Im lookin for more Simple things...
Posted by Hafiz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Meaningful DEAN LIST DAY????

today aku dpt sijil dean list... siap ada majlis lagi... biasanya tade majlis pon... majlis ni di buat sempena program budak FOUNDATION baru... meaningful? well for me aku rasa meaning ful masa Dr...
Posted by Hafiz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

SADDEST times... u wif me???

when a fren of urs feeling down n seems like the world has turn its back on ur fren... would u be there???? Most of us mmg akan kata ye... but when the time REALLY comes... it's like i am BY MYSELF...
Posted by Hafiz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The song to the special one

V.e & Ruffedge - Izinkan izinkan daku melafazkan isi hatiku kau yang satu... bagiku tiada lain dari mu pasti ku kan ubati luka mu... segala kemahuanmu ku beri janji ku padamu.. hati ku hanya ...
Posted by Hafiz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST