Mr. A profile picture

Mr. A

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

i love friends, but sometime friends oso like shit, when you are usefull to them, they always be around you, but once something fucking happen, they suddenly go far far away from you and very shit when they oso hit you from the back, this friends is like a dog which is bullshit dog..that's the first type of friends.. by the way, there are the fuckiest friends which always hypocritical in talking, acting and etc etc... but the most muthafucka friends are like pig.. which is when he/she with you, always act they like you so much.. but when they with other friends, they always talk badly bout you... so, there are the three types of friends that i had faced.. till now, i still seeking a new friends which more better.. but still got the same fucking attitude... hope God will give a good friends before i die....

My Interests

--Making Moneys-- --Making Friends-- --Bowling-- --Snookering-- --Travelling-- --Everything--

I'd like to meet:

--Everybody who like to meet me--MY WEB PAGESurvey of Me
Name: azam
Birthdate: 29 August 1900
Birthplace: Kedah
Current Location: Selangor
Eye Color: dark dark brown
Hair Color: dark brown black
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: forgot...
Piercings: erm.. not
Tattoos: not interested
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: what?
Overused Phraze: m.f - PM me for answer.. hehe
Food: all junk food that can make you die early
Candy: i love Choki Choki
Number: 888
Color: rainbow
Animal: sea lion
Drink: R.O water
Alcohol Drink: that's suck!
Body Part on Opposite sex: all... hahaha!
Pepsi or Coke: Cola
McDonalds or BurgerKing: KFC
Strawberry or Watermelon: banana
Hot tea or Ice tea: ice milo
Chocolate or Vanilla mixed!
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: mocha
Kiss or Hug: fucking! ahaa~
Dog or Cat: sea lion
Rap or Punk: rock
Summer or Winter: autumn
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: porn movie
Love or Money: life
Bedtime: after 3 AM everyday...
Most Missed Memory: receive cheque RM37,950.00....
Best phyiscal feature: erm... all...coz it's from GOD...
First Thought Waking Up: think about my business partners'... hmm
Goal for this year: grab the first 100 thousand in my business!
Best Friends: all my business partners' are my best friend!
Weakness: can't sleep early...
Fears: can't wake up before 10AM...
Heritage: a mix of everything..
Longest relationship: more than 2 decade with my parent... hehe
Ever Drank:
Ever Smoked: erm... just slowly stop smoking.. it's SUCK !
Pot: nope!
Ever been Drunk: nope!
Ever been beaten up: yes... in high school by warden.. haha!
Ever beaten someone up: yes... my fucking friend in high school who think he is the stronger.. fuck him till die!!
Ever Skinny Dipped: nope
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: nope
Been Dumped Lately: nope
Favorite Eye Color: any color...
Favorite Hair Color: any color...but must macthing with her face..
Short or Long: either... i don't mind... :-D
Height: erm... not too short.. and not too tall... huhu
Style: natural... i hate imitatersss!
Looks or Personality: both
Hot or Cute: both
Drugs or Alcohol: prefer not for Muslims...
Muscular or Really Skinny: erm.. any...since she beautiful...
Number of Regrets in the Past: 1
What country do you want to visit: London, Turkey, Sweden, Australia, Japan, China, Korea and Indonesia...
How do you want to Die: don't ask me this!
Been to the Mall Lately: yes.. just buy a new shoe and perfume...
Do you like Thunderstorms: erm.. sometime..
Get along with your Parents: yes..
Health Freak: nope...
Do you think you’re Attractive: yes when i'm convince someone.. hehe!
Believe in Yourself: of course!
Want to go to College: have done.. hehe!
Do you Smoke: ask it again??
Do you Drink: next question!
Shower Daily: of course! i'm not an animal....
Been in Love: erm....
Do you Sing: sometime when i'm depressed...
Want to get Married: yeah!
Do you want Children: yeah!
Have your future kids names planned out: not yet...
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: i'm a man! infinity of virginity.... hahaa!
Hate anyone: yes... their names was... i can't tell here...



--My Chemical Romance-- --Greenday-- --Nirvana-- --Dashboard Confessional-- --Flop Poppy-- --Butterfinger-- --Asean Kungfu Generation-- --Kiroro-- --Dream Theater-- --Vigil-- --Iron Maiden--


a beautiful mind, anger management, the hulk, spiderman I & II, my sassy girl, my little bride, sex is zero, windstruck, sympathy for mr vengeance, sympathy for lady vengeance, oldboys, wet dreams I & II, innocent steps, buli balik, Rock, baik punya cilok, PinkPanther, Casanova, and "Before Romeo & Juliet, there was Tristan & Isolde, Date Movie, The Hill Have Eyes, THE OMEN, Casino Royal, Cicak Men, Cinta, Spiderman 3, Next, Sumolah, Pirates of Carribean 3...




--E-Book SugarushFX--


heroes? No one laaa.... No heroes in the world...God is always The Almighty~