Reading novels, short stories, engaging in social debates or forums, love to play chess when I get the time, playin with my son's hot wheels and playing on occassion some video games. Enjoy to play some b-ball, snowbaording, nice at roller hockey or even ice-skating. Writing poems and listening to music, studying the Bible, and spending time with my boys doing whatever comes to mind ... imaginary games are the best!
Educated, successful, goal-orientated, motivated and talented individuals that are open minded and have one thing in their life that's more important than anything else that's A relationship with Jesus the Christ the only begotten of God the Father.
Gospel, some R&B, Classical depending on the mood some of that Gospel Rap at times is good, depending who it is. Artists like Roberta Flak, Mos Def, and groups like Wu-Tang Clan, Boot Camp Click, and even down to groups in rock like Korn, Creed, Metallica, Stone Temple Pilots, and Nirvana were all music I used to listen to when I was growing up and has now influenced my artistic expression in writing. Now artists and groups like Shirley Ceaser, The Clark Sisters, The William Brothers, Mississippi Mass Chior, Smokie Norful, J Moss, Kirk Franklin, Tye Tribbet G.A, KiKi Sheard, Hezekiah Walker, Donnie McCurklin, and Fred Hammond all have influenced me today in my 6 years in walking with the Lord to encourage me to hold on and know that Christ said he will never leave me nor forsake me.
.. width="425" height="350" ..Friends, National Geographic, Discovery, Animal Planet, The View, Rachel Ray Show, Oprah, Blue's Clues, Dora the Explorer, Diego, The Backyardigans, The Wire, and The Word Network.
The Holy Bible, John Girsham books, O G Mandino books (The Greatest Salesman in the World) Potholes by T.D. Jakes, inspirational and informative books.
Jesus Christ, My wife, My Pastor, Russell Simmmons, T.D. Jakes, Lloyd Craig Blankfein (C.E.O. of Goldman Sachs), and Sojourner Truth, and the great Martin Luther King Jr.