Take Money i$ a movement. It'$ not a gang or a rap group, it'$ a family. We are about getting out of an environment, which give$ u$ boundarie$ and limitation$. We live by a family code, which con$i$t$ of loyalty, hone$ty and di$cipline. We a$ a family are here to keep each other motivated, be there in time of need, and help each other grow profe$$ionally a$ well a$ individually. Being a part of this movement $imply mean$ that you under$tand what it i$ to not have, what it i$ to want and need, and obtain the ambition to overcome and create a new path. Not living life day by day but living life with a meaning and $triving for longevity. Our goal i$ to feed an uncontrollable hunger and $tanding for $omething powerful. A$ one we plan to make our mark a$ a group of individual$ who overcame every ob$tacle put before u$. Being a part of this movement mean$ that you under$tand the $truggle and you're willing to do whatever it take$ to make that tran$ition.................