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Hello... Frank Walker from Bargain Tiles...

About Me

I am what some may call illusory. I enjoy floating around cyber space and spreading froghurt wherever I go. I especially love the fruity vein in the middle. If I could do anything for a day I would play tabblt tennis and eat a pizza at the same time while drinking beer and listening to the radio, who says guys cant do two things at once?

My Interests

Well I cant help but talk about my interests when I talk about myslef, because there is really not much too me. I mean I dress plainly, I dont have a nice rack. I dont have much going for me. Hell sometimes I get told I have a split personailty. Who knows where I could end up next?

I'd like to meet:

Did someone say meat? I used to like meat all the time, now half of me is a vegetarian and half of me isn't, which makes for a very interesting relationship within myself. What can I say about meeting people. I dont really care if I meet anyone or not, I mean if you wanna say hi that's all good but like you know.... I am my own person, I am unique and I already have an extensive 'network'. I just want to get out and about and just be. Have you ever just wanted to scream?


I like all your gay boy bands like Lifehouse, Switchfoot and DC talk, but I also like Metallica, Disturbed and Tool. I mean music really isn;t that big a part of my life, I mean if you took my CD's away from me I would still be a happy and whole person you know?


I like Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Three Dollars, Wedding Crashers, Serenity, Shrek, Most cartoons etc.


I like to watch Yugioh MX every morning before I go to school and I also like John Safran Vs. God.


I like readiong Harry Potter, C.S. Lewis, Books about the Bible and the Bible itself.


of might and Magic?