......sami ♥ profile picture

......sami ♥


About Me

the things girls want guys to know:
1) we love it when u cuddle us
2) a kiss on the cheek is a definate yes
3) we want you to put your arm around us at the movies
4) we don't care if you are the strongest guy in the world
5) size does'nt matter so don't tell us
6) we don't always look our best so get over it
7) we should'nt have to plan everything
8) we are always ready to talk so call us
9) were not perfect so deal with it
10) we love suprises
11) the little things mean the most
12) we're not always girly girls
13) we like boy stuff too
14) cursing and fighting don't impress us
15) dont be mean to us to get out attention
16) dont tell us who is hot because we dont care
17) we can tell when your not listening so listen up
18) when we say we are cold thats your invitation to come over
19)hugs mean more sometimes
20) we need your advice sometimes so don't be afraid to give it to us
dude: I love her more than the air I breath
chick: well im always here for you.
dude: I know.
chick: What's wrong???
dude: I like her so much.
chick: Talk to her.
dude: I don't know. She won't ever like me.
chick: Don't say that. You're amazing.
dude: I just want her to know how I feel.
chick: Then tell her.
dude: She won't like me.
chick: How do you know that?
dude: I can just tell.
chick: Well just tell her.
dude: What should I say?
chick: Tell her how much you like her.
dude: I tell her that daily.
chick: what do you mean?
dude: I'm always with her. I love her.
chick: I know how you feel. I have the same problem. But he'll never like me.
dude: Wait. Who do you like?
chick: Oh some boy.
dude: Oh... she won't like me either.
chick: She does.
dude: How do you know?
chick: Because, who wouldn't like you?
dude: You.
chick: You're wrong, I love you.
dude: I love you too.
chick: So are you going to talk to her?
dude: I just did.
Boys are cheats and liars, They’re such a big disgrace, They will tell you anything To get to second base- -ball, baseball, He thinks he's gonna score, If you let him go all the way, Then you are a hore- -ticulturists study flowers, Geologists study rocks, The only thing a guy wants from you is a place to put his cock- -roaches, beetles, Butterflies, and bugs, Nothing makes him happier, Than a giant pair of jug- -lers and acrobats, and dancing bears named chuck, All boys want to do is... Forget it no such luck......................hahahaha

My Interests

Give me hip-hop or funk and i'm happy. as soon as the music starts, i go for it, shake my booty, shake off the day and i can enjoy myself, learning a new routine, or just dancing to the beat, its more like just being on the dance floor, than working out, you dont notice anything around you, you dont care about any issues your having,you dont notice whats around you, you just dance ...

I'd like to meet:

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:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)


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4 sami from ash gluckman
Sami what do I have to say about you? Well let me first say three words which sums everything I know and feel about youONE OF A KIND! (Wait that’s 4 my bad) One memory I will never ever forget about you, lying in bed on carnival. On that pull out couch and talking with the other part of the crew. Every night we had problem, this one is mean, I am upset, I hooked up with a guy and I ran away... haha and that wasn’t either of us haha.. Spending a week with you, made us close, I dnt no how we thought of us staying together but it had to be one of the best choices to make my experience of carni amazing! Thanks babe! I love you for it!Well moving on to you. My Hebrew class buddy, my go crazy with buddy, my chocalte buddy cause it makes everything better Your always therefore me and I am always going to be here for you A recent story: I had a really bad morning, like really bad and you go I have a treat, we went to the vending machine and bought 2 choccies and man did that make me smile I think I was on a total sugarly chocolate high until recess when I bought another chocolate. Someone said to me the other day, you always seem to have chocolate. Gimme. HahahaNag kissing. Haha I should say no more. Cause you will laugh at the thought of that apparent night.I am going to say one sentence and u will no what I mean . EVERYWHERE I LOOK HE IS THERE!Hahahahaha I love u for that. U jst crack me upBubbi if I go on. I will make ur myspace living hell of along. Haha it will be an endless pitt. Rar HahahahahahahahahAND THEN HE WAS LIK… RARRR!! Yummy fall out boy Hahah rember our carnival song. By fall out boy. O how I miss those days!! Want them bak pease :)Love you xxx “be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of someone else”

My Blog

new space!!

this is so cool...it took me a while...haha actually i had help...special thnx to carla for setting this up...id never beable to work it out, even cayli is having trouble, (and shes in the "smart" cla...
Posted by Sammm on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 11:42:00 PST