"What the little boy first loved about pornography wasn't the sex part. It wasn't the pictures of beautiful people dorking each other, their heads thrown back, making those fake orgasm faces. Not at first. He'd found all those pictures on the Internet even before he knew what sex was. They had the Internet in every library. They had it in all the schools."
Kelly Wallace's reincarnation.
i like music. but i love metal.
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it is not on a ship we'll meet again Abigail, but in hell.
Who are people going to believe... an ex-alcoholic or a guy who's been lucid 24/7 his whole life? I didn't steal your message you asshole.
we are not special/ we are not crap or trash, either. we just are. we just are, and what happens just happens. and God says, "no, that's not right." yeah. well. whatever. you can't teach God anything.
Kellzebub, puella of meus somnium.