mexicanchangoz profile picture



About Me

first of all I can say that my gratest musical influence is a band called tortoise . grate band. but that love of ambiental sounds distortion's noise .Started when my brother give me a cd of a band called ''Radian'' from Austria is a real cool band . bbut the first time that i heard this cd the first thing that crused in my mind was. (I want to do this kynd of music) So i started with some virtual studios and studing sound . & now i'm starting toundestand my way to do electronic music & doing some experiments with (Pure Data & Reaktor) i have play recently in an international festival called Medelink (2008) in Colombia also i worked in an other international electronic experimental music in mexico city called RADAR in (2008) and a i had the honor to be invited to the electronic label called Meltwater-records from london .also in (2008) ok Right now i'm working on a litle E.P Called (circuit Bending/2007)that i hope to realeset in the colombian net label called Series media that you can see in my top fiends . an to realese one song in a compilation cd that will mark the beging of the label Meltwater-records after the launch of the debut cd of the band called Renfro that will mark the launch of the label too. So See yaaa!!!

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Member Since: 9/11/2006
Band Members: juan sebastian Rodriguez ..body{ background-color:FF0000; background-image:url(http://); background-position:Top Left; background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat:repeat; }" .... .. ..........
Influences: blur , led zepelin,B.fleishman , SND , Radian , Tortoise , The kills , DNA , Sonic youth ,Luc Ferrari, Fenton,Taeji sawai,Wolf Eyes, Glitchy sounds, FourColor, Minamo, Plaid,..........
Sounds Like: some distortion's & electronic music.
Record Label: Meltwater-Records , SERIES
Type of Label: Indie