I'm an open-minded musician influenced by all genres of music.Rock/Metal/Classical/Progressive/Jazz/Blues/Funk/RnB/P
op/Fusion/Latin/Acoustic/Electric... etc, etc...Music is the language of the heart, the sound of the soul.It transcends genres & styles.I love working and collaborating with different artists and musicians as I
continually find inspiration and growth in all forms of music.At the present moment, some of my current projects include:* PYROTHIAN - Metal/Progressive/Rock (Electric guitar).* DANIELLE BLAKEY BAND- Country/Pop/Rock (Electric & Acoustic guitars).* PAUL TURNER BAND- Acoustic/Folk/Rock (Acoustic & Electric guitars).* REIZ ARIVA BAND- Acoustic Roots/Surf Reggae/RnB/Tropical music (Nylon-string & slide guitars)....And so... the musical journey continues...Thanks for listening and I hope to meet you at a gig sometime...For bookings & enquiries email: [email protected] in music,-Miguel.