I like reading pictures and looking at words and massaging elves and shaving mooses and playing football and video games and inviting my friends over and inviting myself over and screaming at chipmunks and doodling and thinking and taking asprin because of thinking and watching movies and going to school and hangin with my family and playin halo wit my friends and doin prank calls and being autistic and sleeping and chillin and thinking about taco bueno . and goin to concerts, but I can't even remember who all I sawed at concerts. There probly hundreds. Whoa
Above all Jesus! I'm glad we have an eternity with him because it will probaly take that long to get off my face and look him in the eyes. I would also like to meet our President, so I can thank him for sacrificing (basicly) his life so that we as Americans can live in a beautiful country. And Abe Lincoln, so I can measure his ears. (you don't want to know what his beard is made of)and Bob Long so I can rub his tummy! I would also like to meet the inventer of air.....air is so cool! and piccachu He is da bomizzle! And I want to meet the pilsbury dough boy so I can poke his stomach.....Whoo-hoo!
Disciple, Demon Hunter, RED, Under Oath, Falling Up, Dicypher Down, Three Days Grace, FlyLeaf, Creed, Seether, Third Day, some Metallica, Skillet, Evanescence, Breaking Benjamin, Timo Mass, Green Day, any techno, Linkin Park, Him, david Crouter band, POD, Petiddee, Gritz, the Killerz, the Gorrilaz, Prodigy, James Horner, Jack Johnson, Toby MAC, the wigggles, and the Icelantic nose flute band! anything I can rock out to!
I love sci-fi and conspirecy movies like Minority Report, Hunt for Red October, the Bourne movies, MI1 & 2, etc and war movies and the godfathers and anything hillary duff......uh?
I actually am very busy and have almost zip time to watch TV. Sad but true. I like anythin comedy that doesn't depend on the predictable sexual jokes that garentee them veiwers. I like show with creativity and true comedy like malcom and simpsons and boo-bahs!Booooooooooo Baaaaahhhhs!!!
The Bible of cource, Halo triligy, HARRY POTTER, (readin hem all again fer the 2nd time) anything Tom Clancy, and mystery/action and PBX2xtremes and disney picture books for those days I forget how to read.
Jesus, because he was sinless and died a brutal death so that a worthless sinner like me could have eternal life. My dad, because he shows me what it means to be a true man of God. My youth pastors. George Bush, because he leads our country faithfully, despite a couple mistakes (cut him some slack, hes just a man. I garentee you we would probally be bowing down to a foriegn flag by now if Kerry won) and my thumb....he speaks to me.