Watching Kuky Episode 14 - "Tapping Fingers the Prelude"
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Kuky's Biography She feels Sonoran and acts Sonoran, because this northern Mexican state is her mother's birthplace, which is precisely why she decided that she'd better write and sing in Spanish, even though she..s a bilingual native of Granada Hills, in the San Fernando Valley. She has now come out with her debut cd, named after the singer herself, Kuky.
All twelve songs on this album have been written and sung by Kuky, a young, attractive, easy-going woman with a soaring voice that draws you in, and is occasionally accompanied by her producers, the Akwid brothers Sergio and Francisco G..mez, on two songs of their first non-Akwid album.
This CD from Machete Music/Universal Music Group actually contains two additional versions of these songs that manage to pack R&B, international pop melodies, a sprinkling of hip-hop and even some mariachi fusions into a very personalized and alternative sound, bringing the grand total up to an immensely moving 14 cuts.
The first single, ..Ya No.. (..No more..), is both an eloquent and creative example of Kuky..s talent, who defiantly sings in a language that is clear, current and everyday about shutting the door on a relationship, ..major l..rgate ya.. ya no quiero seguir viviendo as.., esto no es para m.... (..You..d better just go.. I don..t want to keep living this way anymore. This isn..t for me...).
Besides bringing out her message, this musical arrangement by Akwid gives ..Ya No.. a context that every woman has experienced, one in which she says ..No more.. to the man who has promised to change and tries to, but never actually does.
Kuky, a Pisces born Lucero Rodriguez on February 23, is currently based in Northridge, California. She describes herself as ..a dreamer with a big heart, for whom the most important thing is to try to find happiness in whatever she..s doing... The greatest music teacher she has ever had in her life was her mother, who used to sing with Mariachis in rodeo shows and festivals: ..She would bring me along to her shows, and that environment had a big influence on me...
Her adopted name, ..Kuky.. was given to her in high school by her classmates who noticed her cheerful attitude that was ..kind of clownish and sometimes sardonic...
Strangely enough, back in her schooldays, the only thing that she sang was the national anthem and a couple of Christmas songs every now and then. But once she graduated, she made her way into music ..little by little.. by working in choirs at recording studios.
This is the area that she has been developing over the past five years, which is how she met the G..mez brothers who make up Akwid. The first thing they did was invite her to do some shows with them and ended up encouraging her to take the decisive leap to go solo, which is what she had ..always.. wanted to do.
Until then, she had never thought about singing or writing in Spanish. But once they gave her the music for a song for her to try out, Kuky threw herself into the task of writing the lyrics in the language of her ancestors. She admits with a smile that she kind of ..half wanted and half didn..t want to do it... The end result was so outstanding that she ended up composing all of the songs that were recorded for this album, her first career achievement.
As a result of their enthusiasm for and admiration of her, Akwid became Kuky..s star guest performers, and can be heard in two of her songs: ..Bailar y Gozar.. (Dance and Enjoy) and ..Let Me See.. in English.
But the G..mez brothers aren..t the only ones who have succumbed to her musical charms; as soon as the single ..Ya No.. was barely test released, several radio stations in various American markets picked it up, which is unusual for a new artist.
These radio stations know quite well that ..Kuky.., the album and Kuky, the voice, are one in the same: the new artist on the block who..s got all the essential ingredients to be a star who was born to shine.
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Se siente y act..a como sonorense, porque su madre es del norte..o estado de Sonora, M..xico. Precisamente por eso, aunque es biling..e y naci.. en Granada Hills, valle de San Fernando, en Los Angeles, decidi.. que era mejor escribir y cantar en espa..ol, presentando as.. su disco/debut, el cual trae como t..tulo su propio nombre de ..Kuky...
Joven, atractiva, espont..nea, natural y due..a de una voz de met..licas y magn..ticas inflexiones, Kuky es la autora de las 12 canciones que se incluyen en este ..lbum, el primero ..ntegramente producido para otro artista por Akwid, los hermanos Sergio y Francisco G..mez, que incluso la en la interpretaci..n de dos temas.
Dentro de un original estilo alternativo muy personal en que hay R&B, pop mel..dico internacional, ciertos toques de hip-hop y hasta fusiones de mariachi, este CD de Machete Music/ Universal Music Group contiene dos versiones adicionales, lo cual hace un total de 14 cortes de tremendo impacto.
El primer sencillo, que se titula ..Ya No.., es una elocuente joya del talento creativo de Kuky, quien con un lenguaje cotidiano, definitivo y actual est.. cerrando las puertas de una relaci..n con un desafiante ..mejor l..rgate ya.. ..ya no.. quiero seguir viviendo as.., esto no es para m.....
Adem..s de acentuar su mensaje, el arreglo musical elaborado por Akwid dramatiza el contenido de un ..Ya No.. que pudiera ser el de cualquier mujer que ..ya no.. cree en un hombre que promete cambiar y siempre falla en su intento.
Actualmente radicada en Northridge, California, Lucero Rodr..guez ..KUKY.., quien naci.. un 23 de febrero bajo el signo Piscis, se define como una con un gran coraz..n, a quien lo que m..s le importa es tratar de ser feliz con lo que est.. haciendo...
Su mejor maestra en la vida y en la m..sica fue su madre, que cantaba con mariachi en charreadas y palenques: ..Ella me llevaba a sus shows y ese fue un ambiente que me influenci.. mucho...
Su nombre art..stico de Kuky se lo pusieron en la ..high school.. (la ..prepa..). Tiene que ver directamente con su actitud alegre, ..medio payasa y por momentos sarc..stica.. que advirtieron en ella sus compa..eros en la escuela.
Curiosamente, en esos a..os de formaci..n acad..mica lo que cantaba era el himno nacional de Estados Unidos y, a veces, una que otra canci..n de Navidad. ..Poquito a poquito.., una vez egresada, se inici.. en la m..sica trabajando en los estudios de grabaci..n como corista.
Esa ha sido la actividad en que se ha desempe..ado durante estos ..ltimos cinco a..os. As.. fue como conoci.. a los hermanos G..mez, los Akwid, quienes primero la invitaron a que los acompa..ara en algunas presentaciones y luego terminaron estimul..ndola para que diera el decisivo paso que la ha transformado en solista, lo que ella ..siempre.. quiso ser.
Hasta entonces nunca hab..a pensado cantar o escribir en espa..ol. Ellos le dieron la m..sica de un tema para que probara y entonces Kuky se entreg.. a la tarea de hacer una letra en el idioma de sus ancestros. Sonriendo, reconoce que lo hizo casi ..sin querer queriendo... El resultado fue tan positivo que, al final, compuso todas las canciones que se grabaron para este primer logro de su carrera.
Como consecuencia del entusiasmo y a la admiraci..n que les produjo, Akwid se convirti.. en el estelar artista invitado de Kuky. La en dos canciones: ..Bailar Y Gozar.. en espa..ol, y ..Let Me See.. en ingl..s.
Sin embargo, los hermanos G..mez no son los ..nicos que han sucumbido frente a su encanto musical, ya que apenas se lanz.. el sencillo ..Ya No.., en una primera etapa experimental, varias estaciones de radio en diferentes mercados de Estados Unidos la incluyeron en su programaci..n, algo inusitado para el material de una artista debutante.
Los programadores lo saben muy bien. ..Kuky, el ..lbum, y Kuky, su int..rprete, dos referentes fundamentales para una sola personalidad art..stica, llega al mercado con todos los atributos de una estrella que efectivamente naci.. para triunfar.