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Katie & Sara's Mom is still HOT!

About Me

Hi All. Most of the people who would even know me are from the beautiful state of Texas where I raised my children before I suffered an abrupt life changing event. Sara, who was 15 at the time moved to Minnesota where I was born. I felt I needed the support of my family to help me survive this crisis in my life. Other than the fact that uprooting a 15 year old from the only place she has ever called home and the trauma it caused her, I think it was the right thing to do. My father developed severe dementia. I got to be with him as he fought this awful disease. I was holding his hand and had just told him how much I loved him before he passed away. He actually winked at me before he passed. Wow, how lucky was I. I am married to a wonderful man who my children adore so what more could you ask for other than gettomg away from living where it is cold for too much of the year. We have been married for over 5 years. We really enjoy our getaways to the cabin in the summer.

My Interests

I love to fish so I really enjoy our cabin. It is over 80 years old and if full of history. I also enjoy spending time with my family and my 2 year old grandson. If I told you I didn't like to sit on my ass and watch tv or read from time to time I'd be a liar!

I'd like to meet:

I have two lovely daughters, Katie and Sara Peters. Katie is 28. Wow, that's scary. Thank God I had her when I was three. She lives in Minnesota with her friend Ashle. I was blessed to have her as a daughter. She is thoughtful, kind, generous and everything you possibly want your daughter to be. She is probably my best friend in the whole world because I can tell her anything. I can't forget Ashle. I love you too girl. She is also a fantastic person.Sara was 25 in December. She moved back to Austin, TX as soon as she as high school was over. I have not seen her in over 4 years and I miss her so much. All I want to do is wrap my arms around her and tell her how much I love her and that I know everything is going to be ok. I worry about her constantly. She is my teddy bear! She has had her share of shitty boyfriends. Break ups suck!I am rambling but I would love to reconnect with some of the girls friends that I knew as they were growing up in Texas and those of you who have recently become friends of my girls.


Wow, that's a tough one. I still enjoy listening to the music of the 70's, the Seatle sound of 90's and today, and I am beginning to really enjoy country music. I like a real variety of music minus the screaming heavy metal music that my girls love.


The Wizird of Oz still makes me cry after all these years!


I am a big Grey's Anotamy fan. I love to watch shows like Design on a Dime, Redesign and shows where people buy houses and fix them up to sell for a profit. Ugly Betty rocks!


Anything by John Grisham. Philadelphia story was fantastic! I saw the movie but you know a book is always better than a movie. You just have to find the time to read them.


My dad. He was a wonderful person with a unbelievable amount of patience while I was growing up. Everyone loved my father. My cousin were envious of my brother and sisters for having such a great dad. He was a hard working man who managed to make his childred waffles, my favorite, to teaching them life skills. He taught us how to change our own oil, tires, etc. We were set on car skills. He helped us with our homework. He taught us how to love, live and enjoy. I cannot immagine a life without him and my mom. My mom is also fantastic. She gracefully turned 70 this year and looks fantastic. She lives in Sun City, AZ and absolutey loves it there. She is also one of my best friends.