Pooping on the carpet, pooping outside, pooping in the kitchen -- pooping in general. Then I lick my ass to make sure I didn't leave anything 'behind'. Get it? Behind? Ok, so I'm gay, I'm not a comedian, beetches. I like eating things that aren't edible -- especially tissues & plastic. Carrots are groovy, too.
Other gay studs & some hot little poodles that'll take me shopping! I'd love to meet anyone accepting of my gay doggy lifestyle.
Cher, Babs, The Village People, ABBA, The Scissor Sisters, Jeffree Star, etc...
Brokeback Mountain, Urban Cowboy, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Boys Don't Cry -- the list goes on and on.
I'm not much of a t.v. watcher -- but if a doorbell rings during a show, WATCH OUT MOTHERFUCKER! IMA GETCHA!
I can't read -- I'm a fucking dog.
Perez Hilton -- my favorite celebrity blogger!