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I am here for Friends

About Me

You Are a Soy Latte
At your best, you are: free spirited, down to earth, and relaxed

At your worst, you are: dogmatic and picky

You drink coffee when: you need a pick me up, and green tea isn't cutting it

Your caffeine addiction level: medium What Kind of Coffee Are You?

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My Interests

I am interested in many things such as music, movies, traveling, reading, writing when i feel inspired, cooking and simply enjoying life.

I'd like to meet:

George Harrison, i will meet him when my time comes, we have so much to talk about!


Beatles, Cream, Elliott Smith, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Edith Piaff, Vilhjálmur Vilhjálms, Frank Sinatra, Led Zeppelin, Uriah Heep, Pink Floyd, Katie Melua, Perry Blake, Mazzy Star, Lynard Skynard, David Bowie, Kiss, Creedence Clearwater, Anthony and the Johnsons, just to name a few, but there are many more..


Dazed And Confused, Fargo, Clockwork Orange, Birds, City Of Lost Children, Amelie, Edward Scissorhands, Cabaret, Barbarella, Gone With The Wind, Breakfast At Tiffanys, What Ever Happend To Baby Jane, Fool There Was, Wizard Of Oz, The Shining, Lord Of The Rings, Interview With A Vampire, Labirynth, Never Ending Story, Goonies, Amores Perros, Allt um móður mína, La vita e bella, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Fight Club, Beauty And The Beast.


Story Teller, Popular, Spaced, Arrested Development, Dead Like Me, Ugly Betty, Rome, Friends, Sex And The City, and Cheers.


The Alchemist, Meðan eldarnir brenna, God Of Small Things, Wuthering Heights, Meistarinn og Margaríta, The Man Who Fell On Earth, Perfume, Dýragarðsbörnin, Memories Of A Geisha, Lovely Bones, Blóðrúnir, The Third Twin, The Bondmaid, and The Michael Handbook.


My mother is a true hero. I also have to name Mother Theresa, Ghandi and the Great George Harrison, he was truly a gifted artist, he was modest, had a beautiful personality, and wrote the most beautiful song in the world: "Something" Actually i look up to everyone that are able to stay true to themselves and what they believe in!

My Blog


Djúpt í sálarfylgsnumhvílir andartakumlukt rótum hjartanssvo engin fái snert við því.Það er leyndarmál eigandannshreyfi hann við þvísnertir það líf hans.Á stundum sannleikannsí kyrrðinniþegar hafið hv...
Posted by Ásta on Tue, 15 May 2007 09:09:00 PST

Nú er frost á fróni...

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... ég er orðin blá af kulda. Fingurnir eru orðnir svo kulnaðir að það brakar og brestur í þeim þegar ég rembist við (af einskærri þrjósku og hetjuskap) að pikka á lyklaborðið....
Posted by Ásta on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 10:35:00 PST

Mannleg samskipti

Mannleg samskipti eru mér ofarlega í huga þessa dagana. Ég velti því fyrir mér hversu oft okkur tekst að misskilja hvort annað. Flestum hefur okkur verið kenndar grunnreglurnar í mannlegum samskipt...
Posted by Ásta on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 10:53:00 PST

Haust og streptakokkar

Vegna fjölda áskoranna frá tja alla vega einum dyggum aðdáenda -you know who you are, takk fyrir blómin og konfektið by the way- hef ég áhveðið að tylla mér í hásætið og rita örfá vel valin orð um hug...
Posted by Ásta on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 01:54:00 PST